Page 19 of Custodian

“Well, Sid? I suggest you tell us what your agenda is. And I would stick to the truth if I was you. The people behind me aren’t exactly known for their patience,” Dex informed his ex-paladin. He had the satisfaction of seeing real fear in Sid’s eyes as he looked around, finally understanding the precarious predicament he had found himself in.

“Can I at least stand up?” Sid inquired through gritted teeth.

Ryker shrugged, “Sure. If you think you can stand without upsetting my team. They’re a little twitchy.”

Sid looked and Dex saw the moment when Sid realised he was shit out of luck. Even his companions had distanced themselves from him and were now standing a few metres away, disappointment and disgust in their eyes. Sid wisely chose to remain sitting on the ground, although he did scoot up on his butt. It was about all he could manage, given Ivy hadn’t moved an inch and her lethal sickle was still within spitting distance of the offending man’s crotch. Dex was shocked when he saw the petite ranger wink at his fiancé and Cali’s quick grin in return.Yep – friends for life now, he thought.

“My Order was recalled at the behest of the IDC,” Sid began. “There’s a whole bunch of other ones too. I’ve never seen that many Orders in the one place before,” Sid admitted.

“What place?” Axel asked.

Sid clenched his jaw but answered, “Garrett’s historic mansion.”

“The wardens and paladins who are usually stationed around the world, are staying with Garrett?” Darius asked in disbelief.

“Some of them are,” Vance volunteered. “But some of us have chosen to stay elsewhere because we didn’t much like what was being said.”

“And what was that?” Darius pressed.

“Not much, to be honest. Just that your liege is a true Custodian and is powerful and must be shown the proper respect,” Simon admitted, but he was frowning.

Dex was surprised to hear that and saw that the others were too. “But?” Dex prompted his old friend. He could tell something else was bothering him.

Simon sighed, “But it’s the way he says it. Like it’s sarcastic or something. There’s this look in his eyes, like he really means the opposite. He talks about Max and the Order of Aurora all the time – almost obsessively. But it’s …” he trailed off.

“Passive aggressive,” Patrick filled in. “He’s condescending and patronising and trust me; even though his words say one thing, his tone and demeanour imply another. Disdain.”

“That’s smart,” Max surprised him by saying. “He’s not coming right out and saying I’m the bad guy.”

“So he can still be seen as the good guy,” Lark pointed out.

Max nodded, “Yeah. Because, here we are saying something big is happening, handing out fake brands to people. We’re the aggressors and the IDC are the victims. Did Garrett send you here to spy on us or to hurt Dex?” she demanded.

“Garrett didn’t tell me to do anything. The man’s really chill. I have no idea what any of you are talking about.”

Surprisingly, Dex found himself believing the guy. “So, if you’re not here under the command of Garrett, why are you here?” he asked. Sid’s eyes flicked to Cali and Dex felt himself stiffen, feeling the wind pick up around them in response to his agitation.

“My liege asked me to check on one of his ex-paladins. Simon, Vance, and Patrick saw me at the estate and were all about some fucked up family reunion or something. My liege thought it was the perfect opportunity to get to her.”

“Stefan,” Cali turned pale when she said her ex-liege’s name but her back stayed straight and her grip on her weapon never faltered.

“He’s a great man. He’s worth a hundred of your new liege,” Sid declared loudly.

Max snorted, moving closer to the downed man and eyeing him like the piece of shit he was, “Because he lets you all fuck the women in your Order?” she snarled, lips curling in derision.

“It’s all they’re good for!” Sid yelled, “Women soldiers? Fucking ridiculous! They’re nothing but a warm hole to plant your dick!”

The tip of Ivy’s sickle suddenly hooked into Sid’s pants and the man yelped, his noxious rant coming to a swift end. By the Mother, was that the sort of thing Cali had been forced to live with in her previous Order every day? Dex wanted to wrap her up in his arms and take her some place where she never had to hear such foulness again or be reminded of the filth she had left behind. But his woman was a warrior and he reminded himself that she didn’t need him fighting her battles. She had escaped Stefan’s sick Order and was safe and happy and loved with her family. She had him and their baby and nothing like that was going to touch her ever again.

Cali surprised him by closing the two-inch gap between them, wrapping her arms around his waist. He could feel the hard mound of her belly and again marvelled at the miracle their love had created. “Are you okay?” she asked.

“AmIokay?” he asked, incredulous. “I should be asking you that.”

Cali shook her head, “He’s never been my friend. He was yours. I’m sorry.”

Dex marvelled at the strength and integrity of the stunning creature before him. Stefan and Sid and all the other misogynistic, sexist pricks out there had no clue. No. Fucking. Clue.

“Nobody is going to stop me?” Ivy asked into the silence. Shrugs and multiple head shakes met her question and Dex saw a true, wide grin split her stoic features for the very first time. “Oh boy,” she said, gleefully. But just as she was bringing down her blade, Cali spoke;