“Why?” Max asked, a little louder and firmer this time.
Lark walked over to her, “Because I think he could prove to be our greatest ally. I know you don’t believe that,” he spoke quickly. “And I knowyou reallydon’t believe that,” he levelled his bright green eyes on Ryker. “But I’ve been thinking about him and a lot of things don’t add up.”
Max didn’t say anything for a few seconds, but curiosity clearly won in the end, for she asked; “What do you mean?”
Lark blew out a relieved breath, saying, “Like how easy it was for us to form an Order, and how effortlessly you were injected into society.”
“Easy? You think my indoctrination into society has been easy?” Max asked, shocked.
“Sorry, honey. But Lark has a point,” Cali answered. “Our society is based on a very strict and heavily enforced set of rules and regulations. You broke nearly every single law we have but what did the council do? Made you a member,” she pointed out.
“Think about it, Max,” Lark urged. “The IDC let you keep all of us as your paladins. Hell, Beyden was expelled from the Paladin Trials forever and I completely flunked mine. And yet, the council didn’t even attempt to break up our Order.”
“Because someone wanted us to form one …” Diana murmured, more to herself than anyone else. She was beginning to see exactly where Lark was going with the conversation.
“Garrett wanted us to become an Order?” Max guessed, head tilted to the side. “Why would he want that?”
Lark shook his head, “Garrett didn’t. Don’t get me wrong; he has an agenda. But making sure you were given time to become strong and protected would not have been a part of it.”
“Then how?” Max asked, frustration evident in her voice.
It was then that Diana realised just how much Mordecai’s presence was affecting their liege. Max was incredibly smart and perceptive. Under normal circumstances, she would have been able to follow Lark’s logic – if not beat him to it.
Lark cleared his throat, “Mordecai.” Max stiffened once again upon hearing the name but made no move to stop Lark as he continued; “I believe he was the one who stalled the council meeting when you first arrived. We all assumed it was Garrett because that is who Ryker contacted but I think we had it wrong. Mordecai was also the swing vote to get you accepted onto the council. What’s more, he’s been working behind the scenes with the rangers for years. Ivy told me he’s been actively involved with all the details of chade research since the Great Massacre. And, he even has a spy within the highest-ranking Ranger Unit; Cayson. Aiden’s brother.”
“But he’s also behind arranging particular paladins and their wardens to return to the area. A whole bunch of arseholes,” Axel pointed out, playing devil’s advocate.
Lark was already shaking his head, “But not just arseholes and enemies though. Dex’s original paladins – the majority of which are loyal, Dawn and her paladins – one of the two only female Life Warden in existence – also loyal. Not to mention at least thirty more individuals who are all sporting Max’s brand.”
“Wow, you’re really on his side, huh?” Max’s lips quirked, but Diana didn’t think it was in amusement.
“I’m onyourside,” Lark promised her, decisively. “Always will be. I just … I just so happen to believe Mordecai is as well.”
Ryker was frowning, looking like he wasn’t ready to budge on the subject. “How could he not know about Garrett and Emmanuel, then? Everyone knows the two of them are best buds. And what about Max? How could he have left her alone all these years?”
Lark held up his hands, “I don’t know. I don’t have all the answers. There’s only one person who does. I’m just presenting the facts.”
“Ry?” Max asked, looking up at him, eyes wide and vulnerability plain to see on her face. “Do you think I should talk to him?”
Their Captain cupped Max’s face, kissing her lips gently, “I think I’ll do whatever you want. Whatever you need,” he promised her.
Max eyed her partner for a moment before her lips finally twitched, “All you really want is to punch him in the head.”
Ryker burst out laughing, “Fuck, yes, I do. I want to shove my boot so far up his warden arse, he’ll be tasting leather for weeks.”
“But?” Max asked, knowing her man well.
Ryker sighed, “But … I also think Brainiac over here has some good points. I think the man has answers. They may not be the answers you want to hear,” he pointed out, “but answers nonetheless.”
Max chewed on her lip for a moment while they all held their breaths. Zombie chose that moment to place a comforting paw on her knee and Max looked into his eyes. Diana had no idea what she saw in them, or perhaps heard in his furry little head, but whatever it was had Max nodding her head resolutely. “Okay. But I don’t want to talk to him. And I don’t want to know anything personal. It stays strictly professional. We need to know about Garrett and his son. That’s it.”
“You got it,” assured Ryker.
“Will you guys do all the talking?” Max pressed.
“If that’s what you want,” Diana said.
“That’s what I want,” Max nodded.