Page 9 of Ivory's Familiars

Ronan cleared his throat, “Anyway, let’s get to it. Seth, you check the perimeter; Vaughn, scope out Ivory’s apartment. I’ll go grab our stuff from the hotel and check out. I’ll meet you back here in about an hour,” he finished, standing to his impressive height.

Vaughn stopped him before he could make it three steps, “Be careful,” he demanded, “guys like this tend to be voyeurs. Chances are they won’t take kindly to three men making house with the object of their desire.”

“Yes dear,” was Ronan’s response and Ivory felt her mouth fall open for the second time that morning. Vaughn had just growled sexily and then proceeded to kiss Ronan full on the mouth.

What the …?She must have made some sound – hopefully not some kind of weird mating call like she wanted to – for Vaughn narrowed his eyes;


“Nothing! It’s just that … well, I thought you two were a couple. I mean, you and Seth …” She stammered.Smooth, real smooth, Ivory.

“We are,” Vaughn crossed his arms a little belligerently, “But so are Ronan and I, and Seth and Ronan. We’re all in a relationship.”

“Oh,” was the only response her dry mouth could muster. They wereallin a relationship.

“Do you have a problem with that?” Ronan asked, moss-green eyes narrowed in her direction.

Hell yes, she had a problem with that. She had a problem because she wanted to tackle the three of them to the floor and get to the sweaty, messy, satisfying, kinky sex this instant! The three of them were together? All of them? At the same time? It was like a dream come true, a honest to goodness fantasy brought to life. Instead of saying all that out loud though she merely squeaked;

“No. No problem.”


Vaughn studied their newest client with great interest. He was wildly attracted to her – something he had been since the moment he had first heard that throaty voice of hers. Ignoring the very peculiar fact that she smelled like a mixture of all of them, he had no idea why such chemistry would be there. She wasn’t anything like his previous type in women. He had liked them tall, stacked, and dumb. It was superficial and shallow of him but that’s exactly what he had been before his relationship with Ronan and Seth. He had definitely been the love ‘em and leave ‘em type. He couldn’t even blame it on the fact that familiars rarely indulged in long-term relationships. He simply had no desire to commit to anyone – ever. That was despite the warm fuzzy feelings and rampant desire he’d suppressed for Ronan throughout the generations.

Until Seth had barged into their lives, Vaughn had honestly never contemplated acting on those desires. But the kid had made a compelling argument and he had never looked back. So why was he practically hypnotised by the sway of Ivory’s feminine hips as she preceded him up the stairs? It was very curious. And despite the old adage, ‘curiosity killed the cat’, he fully intended to indulge his curiosity.

“How long have you lived here?” he asked, taking the key from her hands before she could slide it into the lock, “Let me go in first.”

She pressed her lips together tightly but didn’t say anything, allowing him to insert the key and open the door, “Almost five years now,” she answered, as he stepped into the room, his heightened hearing confirming the apartment was indeed empty.

“Did you always want to be a bar owner?” he questioned, trying to get a feel for her as their client, but also genuinely interested in getting to know her better. She didn’t really have the look of a bar owner – wasn’t edgy enough.

The room he stepped into didn’t mesh with what he knew of the woman standing next to him either. It was filled with bold colours, over-sized furniture and a truly eclectic array of art. A huge built-in bookcase graced an entire wall, teal lounges with striped cushions sectioned off the living area from the open-plan kitchen with its white quartz counter tops and dark stained cabinets. The huge rug dominating the whitewashed floors was a striking magenta with the remaining furniture all dark wood and antique looking.

“Problem?” she asked, peering around him.

He must have been staring longer than he thought, “No. Your apartment …”

“What about it?” she crossed her arms over her chest, plumping up breasts that looked to be a convenient handful.

“It’s interesting – homey,” he added, seeing her frown. And it was. The whole space may have looked like a rainbow vomited everywhere, but it somehow worked with the colours complimenting each other, even though they should have contrasted.

She eyed him suspiciously for a moment before nodding her head, “It is homey –myhome. I worked hard to create this space. You should have seen the state it was in when I bought it. I did all the renovations and decorating myself,” she smiled proudly.

“Yeah?” he was surprised. Most chicks weren’t really into drywall and plumbing.

“Don’t get too many ideas. I had help, I assure you. But it was fun and well worth the effort.”

“Bedrooms?” he queried, stepping further into the room.

“Three. Down the hall that way. As well as a master bathroom and another odd little room that’s too open to be a bedroom but too small to be another living area. I turned it into my study,” she explained.

He merely grunted, walking down the wide hallway and checking out each room for security and just plain nosiness. The spare bedrooms were roomy and both had decent queen sized beds, although there was no way he and his two men would fit in one. Looks like they were back to the rock, paper, scissors to see who would be sleeping alone. The bathroom was likewise large with an antique claw-foot tub and a big glassed-in shower. The windows in every room only had generic locks, so they were going to have to change those when they wired the windows up for …

He felt his thoughts derail when he came to Ivory’s bedroom. If he thought the other rooms in the house were bold and surprising, then what could he call this room? Every wall was painted pitch black and all the furnishings were white, including the wooden dresser and ornate chaise sofa under the large floor to ceiling window. The splashes of colour came in the form of a red shaggy rug, a huge painting of a brightly patterned sugar skull above her bed, and a yellow striped toy zebra that took up residence in the corner. But what really caught his attention was the bed; it was round. Ivory’s bed was fucking round! It was also huge considering the diminutive size of the woman. Hell, he figured he, Ronan, and Seth could fit on it with room to spare. Even their specially made king sized bed at their house wasn’t this big.
