His narrowed eyes studied her intently as if gauging the sincerity of her words, before he finally nodded, “Well, that’s something at least. This isn’t a habit of ours, you know? We don’t mix business with pleasure, seducing every client we meet. You’re special.”
You’re special. Why should two simple words, have tears threatening to break free? Was she so starved for affection? Probably, she admitted. It had been years since she had heard anyone utter those words and actually mean them. Her mother had told her she was special and wanted and loved every single day. When she had died twelve years ago and Ivory had been forced to hide on her own, she had been careful to keep a certain emotional distance in every relationship she had ever been in. That was including her friendships. Libby was the first real best friend Ivory had ever allowed herself and even now, she was still lying to her.
“Vaughn …” She trailed off, unsure of what she wanted to say.
“Just give me a chance,” he implored, seeing an opening, “Giveusa chance.”
She smiled a little at that, “Us, huh?”
He nodded, “Yes. Us. We’re a package deal – you have to know that. I know Ronan and Seth aren’t much in the looks or personality department, but I’ve learned to live with it. I’m sure you can too.”
His teasing startled a laugh out of her, “Look at you – making funnies. And you say you don’t know how to flirt.”
He looked surprised, “That was flirting?”
She laughed again, enjoying him – enjoying them together if she were being totally honest. She enjoyed being with him like this – casual, friendly, and with a hint of sexual tension underpinning it all. Too bad she couldn’t keep them.
Two days later, Ivory had to force her eyes from straying in the direction of her three new housemates. They were currently flanking the door like buff sentinels in jeans, plain tees, and military boots. She wanted to use them all like a scratching post. After the explosive kiss she had shared with Vaughn, she had expected things to become uncomfortable. But dinner with the three of them the evening before had been surprisingly easy, with the three of them sharing embarrassing stories about each other. It had been as funny as it was enlightening. She had spent the past couple of nights pondering her current situation and whether or not she should take them up on their offer and get her flirt on.
Ivory jerked, spinning to find Libby standing directly behind her. Libby had just had four rostered days off in a row and Ivory had seen it as a blessing. Having Libby and her mouth spouting off every damn thing that popped into her head, would have been an absolute nightmare to contain. Looking at her cool blue eyes that were lit with humour but also cheekiness, Ivory decided to play dumb.Admit nothing, Ivory, “Well, what?” she asked, feigning ignorance.
Libby rolled her eyes, “Don’t be obtuse, Ivory. The Three Musketeers have been sleeping at your place for a week now. Have there been any … sword fights?” she waggled her eyebrows outrageously.
Ivory burst out laughing, “You’re terrible!”
Libby shrugged, unrepentant, “That’s why you love me.”
Ivory smiled at her closest friend. She did indeed love her and she was also very smart and supportive – when that evil tongue of hers didn’t get in the way. Maybe she could help her figure out the conundrum that was the three delicious bodyguards – talk her out of her insane fantasies and the urgings for the men. She sighed, “There were no sword fights – none that involved me anyway.”
“Why the hell not? Those men are absolutely gorgeous and it’s clear you still all have some chemistry. If even one of them looked at me like all of them look at you, I’d have had them branded and caged by now. Libby’s love slaves for all eternity.”
Ivory chuckled at her exuberant friend, “Well, that’s one of the obvious problems, isn’t it? There are three of them,three!”
Libby merely sighed, gazing poignantly off into the distance for a moment, “I know,” she looked back at her, “Ain’t it grand?”
Goodness, yes!Ivory responded, silently. It was indeed very grand but she couldn’t admit that out loud, “It’s not exactly the done thing, Lib. I can’t just get it on with three men at the same time.”
“Why the hell not?”
“Come on, Lib. Be serious,” she said. She had been hoping her friend would talk her down off the cliff. Instead, it seemed like she wanted to push her off! She should have known better.
“I am serious. Why does it matter if there are three of them?” she demanded, “The more the merrier, I say.”
Ivory snorted, “Yeah,yousay. But society doesn’t say that. If I slept with all of them at the same time, I’d be a slut.”
“Who gives a fuck what society thinks? And you are so far from a slut, it’s laughable. Besides, if I’m not mistaken, those boys are already in a relationship. Do you think they’re sluts?”
“Of course not!” she responded immediately defending them, “They’re in a committed relationship – a loving one from what I’ve seen. They’re happy and not hurting anyone. I’d never put a negative label on that kind of love.”
“Uh huh,” Libby nodded, looking all smug.
Damn, she had just successfully torpedoed her own argument. Libby was a shifty little waitress! “Okay then. I don’t have a problem with polyamorous relationships – you got me there. But how about the other obvious issue? I mean, look at them and look at me. What could they possibly want with me other than a passing amusement? I may be staring down the celibacy barrel, but I’m not so desperate I’ll let myself be used as some kind of play-thing.”
Libby let out an aggrieved sound and faced her more fully. Placing her hands on her cheeks, she spoke firmly, “Ivory, you listen to me; you are beautiful. I don’t know what douche made you believe you weren’t but you need to get over that. And even if you weren’t much to look at, looks aren’t everything. A person’s true beauty comes from within. I thought you had more self-esteem than this.”