Page 8 of The Unwanted Love

"Good girl."

A flurry of delight courses up my spine.Why is it that praise from him means so much to me?I gulp. My nipples tighten into little spots of delight. My chest rises and falls, and I’m unable to stop the soft hiss of pleasure that escapes me.

His gaze widens. He scrutinizes my features and must realize I’m turned on, for a flicker of awareness flashes in his eyes. He inclines his head, the gesture sharp, and so primal. For a second, he’s the predator and I’m the prey as he watches me carefully. Then once more, that mask descends over his features. He takes a step back. "I came to apologize for walking out on you without an explanation, but my instinct tells me I did the right thing."

"What do you mean?" I rise to my knees.

That causes his expression to turn wary. He puts more distance between us and glances at the door. I know then, if he walks out on me now, I’ll never get the chance to tell him how I feel. So, I burst out, "I want you."

Surprise flashes across his features, followed by what seems like panic. "I’m not sure you know what you’re saying."

"I’m eighteen. I’m an adult. I know what I’m saying."

"My point exactly." He nods. "You’re eighteen. Only eighteen. Still a teen. And I’m?—"

"Ben’s age. You’re thirty-three."

"I’m fifteen years older than you, Skye. And I understand you think you want me."

"Idowant you." I release the hold on my pillow, then jump up on my feet on the bed. Even now, I’m not at eye-level with this man. That’s how freakin’ tall he is. And broad. The way his T-shirt clings to the planes of his chest and outlines the musculature of his abs, not to mention how the veins of his arm pop when he raises his arm and runs his fingers through his hair, sparks fireflies in my belly. "And I know my mind. It’s not something I just came up with. It’s… I’ve had a crush on you for years."

"Years?" His eyebrows knit. He looks disturbed. "You were…area child, Skylar."

"Not anymore. I’ve always been older than my years. Losing a father early can do that to you, Nathan."

He draws in a sharp breath.

"I’m so sorry for your loss, Skye. Truly, I am. But perhaps that’s why you feel so drawn to a man much older than you?"

I recoil like he’s slapped me. "Are you… Are you implying I have Daddy issues?"



"No." I raise my hand. "No, that’s not what I meant."

And no, her calling me Daddy did not pump blood to my groin and turn my cock erect. Jesus, man, what’s wrong with you? You need to get a grip on your emotions and control this interaction right now.

"Skye, listen to me," I take a step forward, then stop. I can’t get too close to her. If I do, there’s no telling what I might end up doing. I’m used to being in command of my emotions. Used to locking them away and focusing on the task at hand, which is how I’ve fulfilled my missions successfully. But a few minutes with Skye and my willpower has crumbled. I curl my fingers into fists at my sides so I don’t reach for her. I also don’t want to hurt her. She’s so young and impressionable. I don’t want to leave her with any kind of abandonment issues rising from what I’m going to tell her. I need to choose my words carefully. I roll my shoulders to shake out the tension coiled there. "I’m sorry I said that, truly."

She huffs. The hurt in her eyes squeezes my stomach in a way that that makes me feel breathless. Damn. Between the pinch in mymiddle, and the heavy weight in my balls, I’m distinctly uncomfortable. I squeeze the bridge of my nose, then lower my hand.

"It’s…normal to be attracted to someone older than you, and that does not mean you have a Daddy complex."

"You realize, you’re only making it worse, right?" She backs away, then jumps down onto the floor on the opposite side of the bed from me. She’s put more distance between us, which is what I wanted.So why do I have such misgivings about it?

She folds her arms across her chest, the gesture defensive. It pushes her breasts up, and I fight to keep my gaze on her face.Get a grip, man!Her expression is a mix of hurt and anger. And confusion. Her gaze is innocent, but the curves of her body are a siren call.Damn, this contradiction about her is doing my head in."I’m sorry, that came out wrong again. I don’t have much experience in talking to?—"

"Girls much younger than you?" she says sharply.

"I was going to say beautiful women who know their minds and have a backbone."

"Oh." The pink in her cheeks, and the way she lowers her eyelids tells me she’s embarrassed. Her chest heaves, and I lower my gaze to it, then manage to look away before I’m caught staring.What is wrong with me? I can’t remember the last time I was this nervous.

Ask me to address my platoon and get their arses in gear, and I have no problems. But trying to speak to this gorgeous eighteen-year-old so that I don’t break her heart is far more challenging. I force myself to uncurl my fingers and rub my sweaty palms over my pants.

"It’s normal to feel everything so intensely. Normal to feel that your world will end if the man you have feelings for doesn’t reciprocate them."