Page 27 of Claiming Veronica

Chapter 16


The drive home had gone smoother than the drive to the clinic, but probably only because my head was more full of questions than anxiety about the drive. Pulling through the gate, I turned everything over, trying to puzzle out what had just happened. Was that a dream? He’d been there and laid his mouth — tongue on my neck? Why was that so hot?

I barely made it to my room, locking the door before I yanked my shorts down and got my vibe between my thighs. Butterflying my legs open, I was panting when I adjusted myself on my bed. Typically, I needed a generous amount of lube, but I was so wet that the tip slid in easily, and I thrust it forward eagerly into my slit, imagining it was Eli’s cock. Trying to slow things down, Igroaned, but I was already so close just thinking about his breath on my neck and the way he smelled.

My sexual experience was limited to a fumbling closet experience with one of my cousin’s guards at the mansion. I was sure that Eli, with his dark eyes and intense heat, would fuck like a god. Angling the vibe up into my channel, I hit the on button and let the orgasm flood over me, riding out the waves with my head thrown back, panting before throwing it aside.

Laying still for a minute, I wondered what was wrong with me that I was considering … what … dating Eli? What would he think if he knew I came home and masturbated after the office incident?

Washing up, I contemplated the discussion at the office. Did Eli mean to visit me here? Would he kiss me? Touch me? I shivered at the thought. It only meant I needed to up my search into his background, but maybe he was right … perhaps I should live for once. I’d never even been on a date with a man. That bummed me out.

Going upstairs, I got myself a bowl of cottage cheese and made a smoothie. There was no denying that today had been a productive day. I’d discovered some good information and drovemyself to a doctor’s appointment like a real adult.

“Hey, Ronnie.” Natasha and Pike came in from the foyer, as different as any two people could be. It was almost comical. Natasha looked like she stepped off a runaway from Top Model with her couture clothes, and Pike was dressed in jeans, motorcycle gear, and his MC cut. He was alsoverydusty.

“Hey.” I gave the requisite head bob in greeting. “Why are you so dirty?” I asked Pike, indicating his dusty gear. “No judgment, just idle curiosity.”

“A run turned into a nightmare down a five-mile dirt road. My bike is not built for that sort of enduro shit.” Stalking to the kitchen sink, he washed the Arizona dust off his hands and arms, letting it run down the white porcelain sink in red streams while my sister arranged herself on the stool next to mine.

“Tell us about the doctor’s appointment. How’d you like this doc that Max set you up with?” Natasha asked. Pike looked up with interest, and I could almost envision him as my brother-in-law. He’d be good for my sister long-term. I wondered if they’d get married soon. “And tell me how it was to drive yourself. You’re alive, of course, so it wasn’t that bad,” she reasoned.

“Shit, I forgot.” Pike rubbed his fingers through his hair. “I meant to send Cross over to drive you. Sorry, Ronnie.”

“It’s all good. Honestly, I was glad to get out there driving on my own. It was scary, but the good kind.” They both gave me a concerned, tight-lip look. My phone chimed, saving me from the conversation.

“Is that our food? We ordered Chinese. I got chow mein for you,” Natasha said as she hopped down from her stool.

Frowning at my phone, I checked the security feed and watched a car pull up and place the bags into the box Luca and Enzo had set up. “Yeah, looks that way.”

“I’ll get it while you change,” Pike told Natasha, watching her in that way that made me long for someone who cared for me like that. They had established a comfortable relationship vibe that I envied. I wasn’t sure what Eli and I had, but I didn’t think we were headed to the same place. Pike and Natasha had matching Christmas sweaters in their future, but Eli and I … well, I guess I didn’t know.

“Thanks, babe,” she answered and then pivoted to me. “I still want to hear about the doctor.” Shepointed to me with a shiny red nail and bounced out of the kitchen.

“I’ll grab the food. I want to hear, too, by the way.” He coughed a little. “She loves you. We don’t mean to smother you,” he added.

“I know,” I mumbled as Pike left to get the takeout. Wow, I thought. They were referring to themselves using the global ‘we.’ That was crazy.

“So, the doctor? Let’s hear all about it,” Natasha said as if she never left. My sister had exchanged her haute couture for yoga pants and a t-shirt. She might be all about high fashion and power suits for her job as a lawyer, but get her at home, and she was casual as they come. I guess she and Pike weren’t so different.

“Are you going to marry Pike?” I asked.

“The doctor, Ronnie. What did she say?” she said insistently, her nose wrinkled. “Wait, was it bad news? Is that why you don’t want to say anything? Why didn’t you call?” She edged closer to me, placing a protective hand on mine.

“She said I was doing alright—just the usual. Eat better, watch my treatments, get my labs, and go to my follow-ups,” I repeated. Natasha nodded even though she watched my face as if she could peer into the workings of my body and fix everything wrong. There was more information that Icould give her, but there wasn’t anything that my sister could do about my damaged lungs or the cough that I had, so I kept quiet.

“Sounds like it went okay. I’m really sorry I couldn’t go today, but I have your oncology appointment on my calendar …”

“I’d like to go alone,” I interrupted and added quickly just as the door swung open, trying to alleviate the hurt look on her face. “I love you, Nat, but I need to start doing things independently. I’m a big girl, and my health is part of that. Please.” Her head bobbed automatically, but I could tell by how she bit her lip and looked away that her feelings were hurt.

“Okay, Ronnie. Whatever you need. You know that.” Her answer only served to make me feel more like a bitch.

“So,” Pike spoke slowly from the doorway, saying, “We have company.”

He stomped heavily into the entryway, making Natasha and I swing our heads in that direction. Pike carried in what was undoubtedly the delivery from the local Chinese restaurant we had been ordering from recently, but next to him was the man who had just rocked my world — Eli.

“My brother decided to stop by. Hope that’s okay.” His words were lost in a mumble. He looked like he had swallowed a lemon.