“Canyoueven say that three times fast?” Kinsley grinned, flipping back a gentle wave of hair over her shoulder. Her eyes narrowed as her lips curved into a half-smile. Was she weighing her options, or simply waiting to see where he was going with this? Either way, he was impressed with her composure.

Daegan attempted to smooth out his facial features, but the smile didn’t want to budge. He shook his head, “No. That’s why my father wouldn’t let me be a receptionist, of course.” Having a few minutes to play around and joke was something Daegan had sorely missed. The last few years had turned him from the playful man he used to be into the stern one he was forced to become. She would be wasted as just a receptionist; she was far too capable to be stuck behind that desk.

“What a shame. So you had to settle for CEO instead?” she teased, pointing to the name-plate on his desk. She was getting more comfortable, letting some bits of her personality shine through.Much better than the shy and timid woman who first walked in.He had been needing an assistant, and Kinsley might be exactly what he was looking for. This was a woman who could go toe-to-toe with a board meeting without breaking a sweat.

“Indeed… It wassodisappointing,” Daegan smirked. “Well, now that I see you have a sense of humor, I can’t possibly let you take the receptionist position.”

The smile fell from Kinsley’s face. For a moment, her eyes widened, unsure whether or not he was serious.

“Lourdes won’t like it, but I have an opening for a personal assistant. This company needs one far more than we need another receptionist. It pays seventy-five thousand dollars a year, starting pay. Plus, you’ll receive two weeks’ paid vacation time and benefits like health insurance. Basically, you’ll help me with odds and ends. Some travel will be required to our other offices, but all paid for, of course. Some days may be long and demanding, but the bonuses should make up for it. What do you say?” He was throwing this on her like a bag of rocks, but he had a feeling he was doing the right thing.

Kinsley sat in silence for a moment. Then, a smile broke through, her shoulders relaxing once again. “When can I start?” Her eyes sparkled, and he had his answer. Daegan had a good feeling about her, yet something was different—different enough to unsettle the careful balance he had built.

“Why not right now?”Mr. Westerhouse asked with a small shrug. “Unless you have plans for the next few hours, of course. Whenever works for you is fine for me.” He smiled, sending shivers down Kinsley’s spine. The soft hum of the office, the faint scent of his cologne, and the warmth of his gaze all combined to create an intoxicating atmosphere.

A flutter rose in her chest, her heart pounding as a thrill coursed through her veins, chased by a whisper of apprehension. The thought of working so closely for such an attractive man wasthrilling. His sharp jawline and those warm, chocolate-brown eyes were undeniably captivating. It was more than just his classic good looks, though. There was something else—the way he spoke, his calm confidence—it all suggested depths Kinsley wanted to explore, even though she shouldn’t.

“What do you say?” His voice pierced through her thoughts, bringing her back to the conversation at hand. Mr. Westerhouse leaned back in his chair, fingers tapping lightly on the armrest.

Kinsley gripped the edge of her seat to steady herself; he had very dexterous hands. She felt her heart race as she tried to focus. “I can start now,” she answered as she sat a little straighter in her chair, placing her hands cautiously in her lap.

“Excellent.” Mr. Westerhouse’s smile widened. “Once Tina’s meeting ends, she’ll handle the details—working hours, expectations and duties, and getting you set up with IT. You're as good as hired if it all looks good to you.”

Kinsley realized she’d been holding her breath. Mr. Westerhouse seemed to be studying her posture; for how long, she wasn’t sure. When their eyes met, it was almost like a game of chicken. It couldn’t have been more than a few seconds of holding his gaze, but that was all it took to put a very different tremble in her hands. It wasn’t fear, but a sense of excitement that was explicitly prohibited. He was her boss, the CEO of this entire real estate empire. Yet there was something about his warm eyes that made her want to fall into them and never leave.

It had been months since Kinsley’s breakup, and this unexpected jolt of attraction was forbidden fruit. She let her eyes linger on the strong line of his jaw, the way his broad shoulders filled out his suit jacket. For just a moment, she could imagine those hands on her, his lips tracing the curve of her neck...

Kinsley forced a nervous smile as she thanked him and promised she wouldn’t let him down. This was her boss, not someone to fantasize about. The boundary was clear, and shehad to keep it that way. She was on her way to HR, who could easily have her gone if she messed this up.

For better or worse, as Tina stepped out of her meeting to congratulate Kinsley on the good news, this was just the beginning. What mattered was her fantastic new salary; it would be enough to hire a contractor to get the renovations going even faster than she’d planned. Whatever being Mr. Westerhouse’s PA involved, it at least paid well.

Within a couple hours, Tina had her put into the company’s system, showed Kinsley how to navigate around various departments within the building, and given her a quick run-down of typical working hours and things to keep in mind. By three in the afternoon, she found herself sitting next to Laurel in the reception area. Kinsley received a crash course in the company’s phone, email, and calendar system, along with heaps of gossip about people that Kinsley hadn’t even met.

Although it only took a few hours, Kinsley already felt exhausted when she was told to go home for the day. She hated to admit it, but she was disappointed not to see Mr. Westerhouse again before she’d left. Even after she’d gotten home, Kinsley couldn’t stop thinking about him. Her initial excitement had only given way to a deeper curiosity about the man behind the desk.

Her work phone and laptop seemed out of place on her grandmother's antique dining table—sleek technology at odds with the worn wood, her new life colliding with her old one. Despite it being after work, she half-hoped that new cellphone would ring. That perhaps Mr. Westerhouse would call her for something. Maybe he forgot a file at the office or needed a hand reviewing a big offer. She wasn’t sure why, only that he made a spark in her flare to life. It was something Kinsley wanted to experience over and over again. Even though she definitely shouldn’t.

She jumped in excitement when the phone rang. But it wasn’t even the work line. It was one of her best friends, calling on her personal cell phone.

“Hey, Brienne,” Kinsley sighed.

“You don’t sound too happy to hear from me,” Brienne replied.

“It’s not that,” Kinsley’s voice trailed off.

“Interview didn’t go well, I’m guessing?”

“Actually, it went great.” Kinsley eased back onto the sofa, lifting her legs onto the ottoman. “I didn’t get the receptionist job, though.”

“And that’s great…how? I’m missing something here.”

“I got abetterjob,” Kinsley confirmed.

Brienne was quiet for a moment. “Okay, you need to back up and explain everything to me from the beginning.”

Kinsley took a sip of water, then held the glass against her skin, hoping it would cool her down. “The lady that was supposed to interview me got called away to a meeting out of state, so the receptionist called around until she found someoneelseto interview me.” Kinsley adjusted her legs on the ottoman. “That ‘someone else’ happened to be the CEO.”

“Don’t CEOs have more important things to do than interview people for office jobs?” Brienne sounded as if she had something in her mouth.