“Some people don’t listen,” Daegan replied.

“You’re telling me,” she laughed, grabbing her phone. “And I’ve put up with it for over a decade, but I’m used to it at this point.” Her casual response only added to the tension in the air.

“A decade? That’s quite some time…”

“Since high school, so it’s been a while,” she chuckled, tossing her phone into her handbag.

Since high school.He had heard from Laurel that Kinsley had a relationship end at the beginning of the year. Yet it didn’t add up.

“Well, I think I have everything. Ihope, anyway,” Kinsley muttered, glancing around aimlessly.

“It looks like you packed for a two-week trip. We’re only going to be gone until Sunday, Kins.” Daegan eyed her large suitcase.

“I didn’t really know what all I might need.” She slapped a hand on the luggage twice.

“Did you bring a book to read?”

Kinsley held up a small carry-on. “I might actually get it done during this trip.” Her gaze drifted to Daegan’s face, and a small smile tugged at her lips. “Sexy five o’clock shadow you have going on there.” She paused, her smile fading abruptly. “Youknow,” she fumbled for her words. “I just mean that sort of thing looks good on guys.”

Daegan paused like a deer in headlights. The compliment was unexpected, though he welcomed it more than he should. “Ah, that’s where you are wrong. This is the moreevolvedversion.” He rubbed his stubble. “This is theseveno’clock shadow.”

Her fingers brushed his jaw, the contact so light it was almost imagined. But Daegan felt it—like a spark arcing from her skin to his. He froze, his breath catching as her touch lingered for a moment longer than necessary. Cheeks pink, she pulled back. Deagan had to clench his jaw to keep himself from leaning into her fleeting touch, soft and warm against his face. It left him speechless.

“Forget to shave before we left?” she recovered, but her words had lost their usual snap.


“No. I figured waiting until tomorrow morning wouldn’t hurt.”

Kinsley’s eyes met his as she withdrew her hand. “You should keep it. A little stubble suits you well. It makes you look like you aren’t going to take any bullshit.”

Daegan smiled and grabbed the handle of her suitcase. “Do you know what else suits me well? Being on time to the airport. I’ll take this out,” he said, opening the front door. “Oh,” he turned to look at her, “and I don’t have tolooklike I’m not going to take any bullshit. I just don’t take any bullshit.”

“I’ll lock up and be right out,” she called to him as he stepped out.

Sexy.The word echoed in his mind, a whispered taunt that refused to be ignored. This flight was going to be hell—hours trapped next to her, pretending her touch hadn’t sent his carefully ordered world into chaos.

If he shut the trunk a little harder than necessary, Kinsley didn’t comment on it.


When they gotto the airport, Kinsley excused herself to make a quick call to Cameron. She told Cameron about the last-minute trip and the nerves she was feeling. She met up with Daegan in the private terminal afterward. A few minutes later, they walked onto the tarmac to board.

Her mouth parted slightly as she gazed up at the jet, words escaping her. Excitement and disbelief fluttered in her chest, making it hard to breathe. Mr. Westerhouse carried on as if this were a routine occurrence. The opulence of his lifestyle, from the Rolls Royce that had escorted them to the airport to the sleek jet before her, was a world she had only dreamed of.

“Kins? You aren’t afraid of flying, are you?” his voice spoke up from behind her. She could feel his warmth on her neck. She didn’t realize she had stopped walking just feet away from the steps to board.

“No, no, not at all. I’m just…” She couldn’t find the words.

“Speechless?” Mr. Westerhouse gently touched the small of her back, sending a wave of euphoria over her when his hand stayed there. Every time he touched her, she felt paralyzed. Butthe electrifying pulse that sparked through her body excited her even more.

Kinsley didn’t respond, but cocked her head curiously.

“The inside is even more spectacular,” he whispered behind her ear, his warm breath caressing every bit of skin it hit. Her blood seemed to race through her veins. What this man could do to her with just a few words was astounding.

And dangerous.

Mr. Westerhouse continued, “Let’s get on board and not hold this thing up, shall we?”