“Oh, that’s a good one,” Brienne chuckled under her breath. “Makes deals, not love.”

“Prove me wrong,” Cameron challenged.

The words were stuck on the tip of her tongue as her heart raced. “I think…” Kinsley started, her voice faltering. She bit her lip, as the truth pressed against her throat, demanding to be set free. “I think I’m in love.”

The silence that followed was deafening. Brienne’s teasing smile fell to wide-eyed surprise. Cameron’s eyebrows shot up, her lips parting as if to say something, but no words came.

“Oh, Kins...” Brienne breathed, her expression softening. “You’re really serious about him, aren’t you?”

Kinsley nodded, blinking back the sudden sting of tears. “I know it sounds crazy. I know we haven’t known each other that long. But the way I feel when I’m with him... It’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. Like I’m finally whole. Like I’m safe.”

Cameron sighed, running a hand through her hair. “Look, we’re sorry if we came on too strong just now—or before. We didn’t realize how deep this went for you.”

“Yeah, we were just worried,” Brienne added, looking contrite. “After what happened with…” she lowered her voice, “what was his name?”

“Oscar the ghost, not grouch,” Cameron said, rolling her hazel eyes.

“Yeah, Oscar,” Brienne continued, “how he used me to go watch that playoff game. I guess I’m a little jaded. I jumped to conclusions about Daegan.”

“We both did,” Cameron admitted. “But that wasn’t fair of us. We don’t know him like you do. After all, I rarely date and Brienne has a horrible taste in men.”

“Hey!” Brienne snapped.

Kinsley offered a wobbly smile. “I appreciate you guys looking out for me, I really do. But I truly believe Daegan caresabout me—not just the house. The way he looks at me, the way he touches me...it feels real. Honest.”

Brienne reached out as if to squeeze Kinsley’s hand, forgetting for a moment that they weren’t actually in the same room. “If you say he’s the real deal, then we believe you. We trust your judgment.”

“Absolutely,” Cameron agreed. “And hey, if he does turn out to be a snake, we’ll fly down ready to kick his ass for you. Or, you know, hire someone to do it.”

That startled a laugh out of Kinsley, but it was quickly replaced by a pensive frown as a heaviness came over her.

“What do you think you’re going to do from here?” Cameron asked, tucking an unruly curl behind her ear. “At work, I mean.”

Kinsley sighed. “I don’t know,” she admitted. “We didn’t discuss it.”

“Whatdidyou discuss?” Brienne questioned.

Kinsley thought for a moment. “That we just like what we have.” She paused before whispering, “Whatever that is.”

“Kins, I think you both need to talk this out and make sure you’re on the same page. It seems like you don’t even know what chapter you’re in. For all you know, he could be wanting a casual fling with his sexy personal assistant while his sexy personal assistant is head-over-heels in love with him.” Cameron offered a sympathetic smile. “But you need to talk this out or you’ll never know.”

It was true; Kinsley needed to have this conversation with Daegan. Yet the fear of knowing the truth was too much.

“This could affect your job,” Cameron continued. “But you need to know what’s going on inside of him and take things from there.”

Kinsley diverted her eyes away from the screen. “I want to believe he’s genuine. I really do. But part of me can’t help wondering... What if this is all just an act? What if he’s playingthe long game, making me fall for him so I’ll give in and sell him the house?”

They were silent for a moment. “Do you really think he would do that?” Brienne asked gently.

Kinsley shrugged helplessly, her eyes shining with unshed tears. “I don’t know. I don’t want to think so, but...how can I be sure? He’s a businessman, like you guys said. What if this is just another deal to him?”

“Oh, honey.” Cameron’s face was etched with sympathy. “We didn’t mean to put those doubts in your head. Only you can know what’s truly in Daegan’s heart.”

“And yours,” Brienne added softly. “Listen to your instincts, Kins. Do you feel like he’s being authentic with you? Do you trust him?”

Kinsley was quiet as she considered this carefully. “I want to,” she whispered at last. “More than anything.”

But a flicker of uncertainty danced in her eyes. As much as Kinsley longed to believe in Daegan’s love, to have faith in the connection they shared...she couldn’t quite shake the nagging fear that perhaps this was all too good to be true.