Kinsley’s heart skipped a beat.Of course. Marriage. I just slept with this lady’s nephew a day ago and we haven’t even discussed what that means for us. But yes, marriage. That makes total sense.Though, if even a spark of it was true, maybe it meant Daegan would ease off from buying her home. She would take all the help she could get.
“Oh, I don’t think—” Kinsley said before being interrupted for the umpteenth time.
“Kinsley, this is my mother, Mildred,” Daegan said, stepping closer as if to shield Kinsley from his aunt’s eccentric predictions. His presence was solid, reassuring, and Kinsley couldn’t help but feel a flutter of appreciation.
A kind-faced woman stood behind him. Daegan had her eyes, and her smile too. “Pleasure to meet you, Kinsley,” she said softly. “You can call me Milly.”
“Pleasure to meet you as well, Milly.” Kinsley shook her hand, eager to have the conversation with Aunt Tilly come to a swift end. If she could survive Aunt Tilly, Daegan’s mom would be a breeze.
“It is such a wonderful surprise to see you, of course.” Milly smiled. Her gentle demeanor was a refreshing contrast to her sister’s eccentricity. “We’re re-doing one of the guest rooms, so if it isn’t much of a bother, you’ll have to fight over who gets to sleep in the bed and who gets the sofa.”
Daegan shifted his eyes to Kinsley. “We’ll sort that out later.”
Kinsley smiled.
“Or you can be a gentleman and let Paisley take the bed,” Aunt Tilly interjected.
“Fair enough. Paisley,” Daegan looked to Kinsley with a smirk on his face, “you get the bed.”
Milly cleared her throat. “Daegan, honey, why don’t you bring in the bags? I’ll give Kinsley a quick tour.”
Daegan nodded and left to go collect their bags, likely happy to escape the awkward tension.
Over the next few minutes, Milly gave Kinsley a quick tour while Daegan brought their luggage into the guest bedroom. In that short period of time, Aunt Tilly had prepared an early dinner: a white bean and tuna salad. She sat down across from Daegan and ate the delicious meal, as Aunt Tilly gave a lecture on outdoor meditation during the different phases of the moon.
“So, Kinsley,” Milly asked, eyes twinkling, “any special someone back home, or are you a free spirit like my Daegan here?”
Daegan’s gaze shot to her, curiosity barely masked behind a casual expression. Kinsley laughed awkwardly, warmth rising in her cheeks. “Um, no one, actually.” She shot a look at Daegan. “Seems like I’m free as a bird.”
Aunt Tilly clasped her hands together loudly, eyes widening with delight. “You know what that means, don’t you?”
Kinsley looked down at her plate, biting her lip. Tilly had just said not to mention this in front of Daegan, hadn’t she? Surely, she wouldn’t?—
“Marriage!” Aunt Tilly shouted with glee.
Her parrot, Seer, in the other room started repeating “marriage” over and over, as if it was a chant.
Aunt Tilly leaned in toward the center of the table, her voice low and dramatic. “Two birds, one branch!” Her eyes were alight with what Kinsley could only describe as cosmic certainty.
Daegan shot Kinsley a look that saidI told you so,while Milly simply smiled, content to let her sister’s excitement carry on. Kinsley felt Daegan’s hand briefly brush hers under the table. It was fleeting, but the warmth of it lingered. She glanced at him, catching the faintest tug of a smirk on his lips. Despite herself, she smiled back.
She took a sip of her drink, hoping it would cool the blush she felt rising up her neck. Aunt Tilly’s declaration echoed in her ears—marriage. The word felt heavy, almost ridiculous considering the rollercoaster she and Daegan were on. And yet, deep down, there was a tiny part of her—one she hated to admit even existed—that wanted to believe. She glanced at Daegan, who was busy avoiding his aunt’s enthusiastic gaze, but his lips were pressed into a bemused smile. She couldn’t help but wonder if he believed it too.
Daegan still couldn’t shakethe idea of Cameron. They had to besomething. Maybe they weren’t exclusive? Maybe they were just dating and not in a relationship yet? They could be friends with benefits. Could Kinsley really be that type?Or she could just be a liar and cheater.
Daegan felt dizzy; just the thought made him sick to his stomach.No, she can’t be a cheater.His eyes met hers and he forced a small smile. He quickly looked back at his plate, hoping she couldn’t read the questions behind it.
No, she wasn’t a liar. She couldn’t be.
He caught her eye again when she laughed at something his mother had said—those wide, open eyes that seemed incapable of deceit—and something in his chest loosened. Maybe, just maybe, he could trust her.
Aunt Tilly had been going on about signs and symbols for a couple of minutes before Daegan was ready to change the topic.
“I don’t think you can predict a marriage like that, Aunt Tilly—especially between Kinsley and I.” He sat back, fidgeting with the place setting on the table.
“But it was in thetea leaves, my boy.” Her tone was borderline scolding. “I had a bouquet in it today. A marriage!” Nobody spoke. “Between you two!” she clarified, extending her arms as if she was overseeing a ceremony.
“They’re just leaves,” Daegan tried to reason. “They don’t predict weddings.” He glanced at Kinsley, offering a small smile as he felt that familiar wall go up.Marriage—he’d sworn he was done thinking about it. But somehow, with Kinsley sitting near him, the idea didn’t seem so absurd.