Kinsley chuckled. “I’m sure she’s fine,” she assured him as they exited the car.

They made their way up the beautifully manicured lawn with shrubs and more flowers than Kinsley could name. A small bird bath sat in the middle of a gazebo to the side of the house. The walkway from the garage to the front door was brick, adding a unique sense of charm.

Daegan approached the door and gave it a few solid knocks, then rang the doorbell. From outside, Kinsley swore it sounded like geese honking.

A moment later, the door swung open with a burst of energy, a plump blue-and-silver-haired woman behind it. Her curls bounced as she pulled him close, her voice rising with excitement. “Daegan, my boy!” Daegan was trapped in a bearhug in a blink. “I knew you were coming!” she exclaimed before shouting, “Milly, get over here! It’s your son! The one that didn’tburn my old barn down.” She let go of Daegan and looked at Kinsley. “And who isthisdelightful creature?”


The woman’s gaze flickered over Kinsley as if she was reading her aura.

“Aunt Tilly, this is Kinsley. She’s my—” Daegan had started.

“And he’s brought agirl, Milly! Mildred, do you hear me in there?” she shouted, though she didn’t bother turning back.

“She’s my—” Daegan spoke up a little louder, trying to get the words out.

“Ah, I’m sure she is, sweet cheeks,” Aunt Tilly said, her tone dripping with disbelief. “Personal assistant, of course.”

A static overcame Kinsley, like tiny sparks.How did Aunt Tilly know?

Aunt Tilly was already shaking her hand firmly.

“Kinsley, this is Aunt Tilly.” Daegan let out a sigh of defeat and walked past his aunt into the house.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Connie,” Aunt Tilly said, completely butchering her name. “You can call me Aunt Tilly.”Odd.“Come in, dear, come in.” She wrapped an arm around Kinsley, practically pulling her into the house.

The home, though it felt warm and inviting, was warm in spirit only—the place was freezing cold, piercing through Kinsley’s thin clothing. There were family photos and occasional knickknacks, much like her own home. However, their collection bordered the realm of eccentric—perhaps New Age. It was outside Kinsley’s realm of knowledge, though she appreciated the array of colors.

“I had a dream about this, you know!” Aunt Tilly whispered excitedly, a gleam in her eye.

“You…did?” Kinsley’s skepticism was on high alert. As she hated to admit it, Daegan was right.

As Aunt Tilly raved on about her vision, Daegan shot Kinsley a knowing look, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. Kinsley had to bite her lip to keep from laughing.

“Yes! Of course! I had a dream about two nights ago of two birds in the sky. Flying, flying, flying,” she grabbed Daegan and rocked them both from side to side. “Flying high in the sky—untilsmack!, they hit my window. Their carcasses fell into the shape of a D—well, one was a little mangled—but I knew it was a sign from the beyond that Daegan would visit with a,” she paused for a moment, deciding on her wording, “friend.” Her hand rubbed Kinsley’s back and she nodded solemnly, as if this explained everything.

Great, so now I’m a part of her spiritual zoo. What’s next, a seance?

She raised her voice, “Seer even confirmed it for me this morning, didn’t you, Seer?”

From another room, a parrot squawked, “Daegan’s here! Flying, flying, flying!”

Unease crept through her bones. “Oh…right.” Kinsley was taken aback and a bit disturbed. “That sounds…” Daegan had walked off to another room, leaving her alone with his crazy aunt.

“I know! Exciting, isn’t it?” Aunt Tilly was enthused.

That’s not how I would describe it.

Aunt Tilly continued, “So much of our dreams spread meaning into our lives. I write all mine down in journals. Yesterday morning I had a boat in my tea leaves. That means a visitor, dear. And then this morning,” her voice raised, giddy with excitement. “This morning,” she continued upon calming her voice, “I saw a bouquet of flowers in them.”

“A bouquet of?—”

“Ah!” Aunt Tilly shouted, startling Kinsley. “Don’t tell Daegan yet, of course! This is all so exciting!”

Kinsley was confused. “What does a bouquet mean?”

“Oh, you don’t know?” Aunt Tilly gasped. “Oh, dear one, it means marriage.” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “You and Daegan will marry.” Aunt Tilly’s bright eyes sparkled. She clasped her hands together, her blue-and-silver curls bobbing as she nodded fervently. “The signs are all around, dear. The universe practically shouted it at me!”