“No,” he answers. “I’ve got the others covering it. I have coaching this afternoon, and I wanted to spend the morning with you.”

“Phil and Greg will never recover,” I say, laughing.

“I put aside extra bacon and egg muffins for them,” he answers. “Sarah can’t screw it up. All she has to do is heat them up.”

“You know, that first time I got you to work in the bakery, the last thing I could ever expect was that you’d end up better with customers than me.”

“Shut up,” he teases. “Don’t let it get around that I’m good with people. I have a reputation, you know.”

I burst out laughing, smothering my giggles quickly so I don’t wake Isla. I reach out to tickle Peter, forcing him to fall onto the bed and wriggle around with me in a tangled wreck of arms, legs, and blankets.

“A reputation!” I giggle. “You got that right. You’ve got a rep for being the nicest wolf in all three packs.”

“I do not,” he protests stubbornly. “I’m a tough guy. I swear.”

“Come here, tough guy,” I whisper, pulling his face down to mine. “Let’s see how tough you really are.”

He kisses me, and I stretch out underneath him, wrapping my knees around his waist as I run my hands up his back.

“Hmm… I’m guessing you’re wide awake now, are you?” he mumbles through the kiss.

“Nope,” I murmur. “Sound asleep.”

“Damn. I guess I better go and leave you to your rest.”

He goes to get up, so I tighten my grip and pull him back down on top of me. When he looks up to kiss me again, I see the wide smile stretching across his face.

“Are you teasing me?” I ask.

“Always,” he answers.

“That’s hardly fair.”

“Only because you can’t resist me.”

I pull his head down and press my lips to his. Peter’s arms go around my waist as he moves his body against mine, holding me tightly as he explores with his hands.

“So, when do you have to leave for coaching?” I whisper.

“Not until three.”

“And what time is it now?”

“Not even seven in the morning.”

“Damn. Not much time.”

“I know! Better get started.”

He props himself up on his arms and bounces against the mattress, making me giggle.

“What is this?” I say. “A new seduction technique?”

“It drives all the ladies wild. Or so I heard.”

“Hmm. So long as you didn’t see.”

“I only see you,” he says, lowering his head.