As the sound spirals down into my chest, I lower my head and squeeze my eyes shut.

Alone. Always alone.

Then, I hear a howl from the valley below. Chills run through me, making all my fur stand on end.

“I hear you, brother! I hear you!”

I’m so shocked at being answered, I can’t even move. I’ve been alone for so long, I never dared to howl, ever. Not just because it’s very dangerous for a lone wolf to do so… but because I knew I couldn’t stand the cold silence that would follow.

Another howl splits the air from somewhere above me, high on the snowy peak.

“I hear you, brother, I hear you! Wolves, attend!”

From three separate places above me, howls answer the call. The air splits with the baying of wolves as they join their voices to the song.

“Attend, attend! The pack answers you, brother!”

From beneath me, more howls, yips, and barks sound, steadily getting closer.

“We hear you, and we come! Welcome, brother!”

Even though Rider’s voice is definitely in the chorus, every single wolf is calling me “brother.” Emotions I can’t name flood through me, leaving me frozen on the outcrop, looking back to the forest in disbelief.

Above me, I detect three pure white wolves. They move only slightly, just enough so I can see them. All of them can camouflage easily on the icy peaks. Before long, I catch the scents of Kelta and Dane.

From below, Rider’s scent gets stronger as he approaches. Behind him, the pattering of paws announces the rest of the pack following his head.

But when the first wolf breaks through the tree line, it is not Rider. The wolf is far too small and colored bright golden-brown. It yips excitedly and bounds across the snowy plain to meet me.


The pup barrels into me like a furry bowling ball, knocking me off all four feet so we roll through the snow. Caleb pounces and growls, baring his little puppy teeth as he play-fights me around the clearing.

“We heard you!”he yips excitedly.“Your pack answers you, uncle!”

It’s a good thing I’m in my wolf shape, because I would cry like a fucking baby right now if I wasn’t.

Even so, a high whine escapes my throat, with a painful yelp following it, the sort of sound I might make if I was injured unexpectedly. Caleb bumps my nose with his own, and Rider sidles up to me, leaning his body against mine.

“Welcome, brother.”

“Is this what it means to have a pack?”I ask, though as wolves, we do not speak. Though our communication is far simpler, told with body language, blinks, gestures, and whispery sounds.

As well as great, spiraling howls that announce joy, sorrow, or a request for help.

“Yes,”comes my brother’s simple reply.

Caleb hurls his tiny snout into the air and howls, wagging his tail like crazy. All the other wolves howl as well, the mountains singing with joy in response to our sound. After hesitating for one long, frightening moment, I turn my head to the sky and join my voice to the song.

Welcome, brother!the wolves cry.

I am one with you, my trembling howl answers.I am one with the pack.

Caleb is turning in little circles, yipping like a chihuahua as he overflows with excitement. Rider bays a command and turns to race down the mountain. I join the ranks of the pack and run with my brothers and sisters as we charge through the forest.

As we run, other wolves swing close to me, barking happily to show me they welcome me. Fiona comes close, pushing her shoulder against me playfully. I return the gesture,feeling my heart singing with joy at the feeling of connection it gives me.

I can feel the shackles that have bound me my whole life unlocking and falling away with every bounding step. Still, beneath it all, there is pain lurking, and I know I can’t be truly free if I don’t face it.