How can I tell him that it’s all over? I can’t stand this.
“Lucy, talk to me right now, or I’m calling someone,” he says. “You’re scaring me.”
The tears pour down my cheeks. I can’t hold them in. Even though I try to talk, my bottom lip trembles, and I choke on the words. My mind is full of our wonderful mornings together, waking up wrapped in warm sheets, our bodies barely touching. The way he kisses me so tenderly, but with all the savage promise of his wolf raging beneath.
I can’t bear to lose him. Not now. It will be like having my heart ripped out.
But is he even really mine, if he’s being forced to stay?
“Lucy,” Peter says more gently, holding my shoulders and looking into my eyes. “Seriously, babe, are you okay?”
“It’s over,” I say flatly. “It’s all over.”
“What?” he asks, his eyes widening with shock.
“I know you don’t really want to stay, not deep down. I can’t deny you your freedom.”
“Lucy, what the fuck?”
“My mentor is coming!” I yell, pushing him away from me. “She texted me tonight. She’s on her way.”
Peter takes a step back, his face blank. It scares me more than any other expression I could see on his face.
If he was excited or sad, that would be something. But he just looks… numb. Like he doesn’t care.
“I—I don’t know what to say,” he finally says.
“This is what you want, isn’t it? What’s best for you?” I ask, my voice taking on a challenging tone.
“Don’t tell me what I need,” he growls. “I can decide that for myself. How long until she gets here?”
“A day or two, at most.”
He nods. “Okay. Not long, then.”
“No,” I whisper. “Not long at all.”
I watch him take another step away from me, and it feels like my heart is being shredded by razors. My body throbs with sensory memories, reminding me of every single wonderful second I’ve spent in his arms.
Goosebumps rise all over my body, making me throb between my legs as the tension spreads up my belly to my nipples. I can feel his rough hands against my smooth skin, his touch soothing the craving in my soul.
It isn’t real. None of it was ever real.
“Fine, then,” he says tersely. “If that’s how it has to be, then there’s no point talking about it, is there? Good to know where we both stand.”
“Fine by me!” I snap, my voice harsh. “Do whatever the fuck you want.”
“Will do,” he shoots back. “The second I’m free of this damn spell!”
“Fine!” I yell, trying desperately to cover my despair with anger.
“Fine,” he says, his voice flat again. He turns and walks away from me, his fists clenched and his shoulders set in a hard line. I laugh at his useless gesture.
We can try the whole “storming off” trick if we want. It’s pointless to threaten to leave. He won’t even make it halfway around the block.
Chapter 20 - Peter
I don’t know where I’m going, and I don’t care. As pain and loss rise in me, I try desperately to switch it off. All my life, I’ve had inner barriers that prevent me from getting hurt, and I was a goddamn fool to let them come crumbling down.