Oh my God. Why does he have to be so damn gorgeous?

“I’m not going to spend my day in a goddamn bakery,” he scoffs.

“Well, I’m not spending my day sitting here putting up with you. I can’t just let my life’s work collapse because you don’t feel like going.”

“What about breaking the spell? Aren’t we waiting for your mentor?”

“That could take weeks. I’d lose all my customers before then. I’m not doing that.”

“Well, I’m not going!”

“You said that already. If you’re going to be that stubborn, I guess we’ll be testing the limits of the spell, because Iamgoing.”

He glares at me, his big green eyes dark and full of turmoil. His expression is so savage, it’s almost frightening. But lurking somewhere deep inside him, I can sense extreme vulnerability.

Careful. Don’t see it just because you desperately want it to be there.

I back off a couple of steps and bite into my granola bar. He watches me, his fists slowly closing as his mouth sets into a hard line.

“You could at least make me some breakfast if I have to get up this early,” he says. “It’s inhumane.”

“Coffee is right there,” I say, pointing. “I don’t have time to make anything too complicated. You can find something here or eat when we get there. It’s up to you.”

He sighs. “At least you probably have decent food at your shop. Wait—it’s not all health food or something, is it? You actually have cakes and pastries and stuff?”

“Yes, we do. Don’t worry about that,” I say as I finish my granola bar. “I’ll be baking a lot from scratch today, so there will be plenty of food to choose from.”

“Well, that’s something, at least,” he says, shaking his head. “What am I supposed to do there all day?”

“Stay out of my way, hopefully,” I answer, moving closer to him so I can get a cup of coffee. He doesn’t move out of the way, and suddenly, we’re very close together, almost touching. My fantasies come rushing back to me, making heat collect between my legs.

I look up at him, feeling my cheeks getting hot. He doesn’t move out of the way, just stares down at me. His mouth curves in a slight grin, and his eyes travel slowly down my body.


I press my thighs together as he stares down at me. The arousal is crippling me, throbbing deep inside and making my nipples burn.

He’s a wolf! He’ll know that you’re turned on—stop it!

I can’t. I’m completely helpless as I stand in front of him, watching his eyes travel all the way down my body, then back up again. When he looks into my eyes again, they seem softer. He licks his lips, and my eyes are caught on the movement of his tongue. I can almost feel it, my focus is so strong.

“Lucy…” he whispers.

A small cry escapes my throat.

“You’re in the way,” he says, his voice going hard. “I want to get some milk out of the fridge.”

“Oh,” I answer, almost trembling as I move to the side to let him pass. I scuttle around him and practically flee the kitchen, rushing down the hall towards the bathroom.

You fucking idiot! What the hell are you doing?

Tears of frustration creep down my cheeks as I fill up the sink with warm water to wash my face. It’s terrible, but the longer I’m exposed to him, the worse my attraction gets. I want him so much, but he clearly hates me.

And now I’m trapped with him, by marriage as well as the spell. He might be with me physically, but I can’t have him.

I get ready in a hurry. As I rush from the bathroom back to my room, I hear Peter coming up the hall. For a moment, I think he’s about to follow me. Anxiety stabs through me, but so does a strong wave of arousal.

I could swear that I’ve seen something in his eyes when he looks at me… as if he really does want me.