“We’re here for an emergency, aren’t we?” Bailey asks, cutting in. “Maybe we should get to it.”

“Give ‘em a minute,” Jen says, coming through the back doors. “Let those boys catch up a bit. Us girls need to have a talk. And you, old-timer?”

Jen points across the room, and Carson taps his chest. “Me?” he says.

“Yeah, you. You’re an elder?”

“Yes.” Carson looks incredibly confused.

“You’ll be the only one that remembers the old ways. Lemme catch up with the girls a minute, then I’ll be over to chat with you.”

Fiona giggles a bit, taking Jen’s hand as she walks over to me. Kyle shrugs and follows the guys while Leslie joins us at the end of the table.

“What happened?” Fiona asks me.

I try desperately to keep my shit together, but that one question, combined with her expression of concern, completely cracks my control.

“I did a spell,” I choke out, trying to talk through my tears. “I called a lover, and when I woke up, Peter was in my backyard.”

“You could do worse,” Jen says, winking at me.

“Jen!” Fiona hushes her. “So, what now?”

“We’re tethered,” I explain. “We can’t get much further than fifty feet. It’s a magical bond.”

“Do you have any idea why the spell picked Peter?” Fiona asks.

I shake my head. “No clue.” I’m not ready to admit that I specifically asked for a man like Rider.

Jen claps softly. “Fun and games!”

“It’s not!” I whisper, wiping my cheeks. “I did this. I brought him here, and now he can’t leave! I feel so bad about this.”

“Do you really?” Jen asks, squinting at me. The suggestive look in her eye only makes me feel worse, and fresh tears pour down my cheeks.

“There, there.” Fiona wraps her arm around me, stroking my hair. “It’s okay. Jen, would you behave yourself?”

“She’s right!” I moan, my cries muffled by Fiona’s hug. “I feel bad about the spell, but I like him! I’m so attracted to him I can’t even think straight!”

“Ha!” Jen says gleefully. “Knew it.”

“This is all completely fucking bananas,” Leslie mutters.

“I’m gonna go talk with the ol’ fella,” Jen says, getting up. “I’ve got an idea. Let’s see if he backs it.”

Jen shuffles off to talk to Carson, and I let Fiona hold me until my tears begin to settle.

“Did you consider the idea that the spell worked perfectly?” Fiona asks softly.

I shake my head. “No, it can’t have. He hates me—it’s obvious. All he’s done is try to get away from me.”

“I don’t know,” Leslie says thoughtfully. “I’ve noticed him looking at you.”

“You have?” I ask, my heart leaping with hope.

“Oh, God,” Fiona chuckles. “You’ve got it bad, girl.”

I have no comeback for that, so I just sit back and wipe my nose on my sleeve.