I stare out ofthe window of Libby’s, watching the busy traffic on Atlantic Avenue as people push their way through the Zebra crossing, their faces tight with purpose. And here I sit across from Zoey, my heart breaking again with what she’s telling me.
“She was almost six months pregnant. A deer came out of nowhere and Xavi swerved to avoid it but lost control and the car spun and turned over. They were trapped under the car for almost an hour and Xavi could do nothing but watch Taylor bleed until she became unconscious. By the time the emergency response got them out, it was too late.” Zoey’s eyes are shiny with unshed tears.
I realize I’m crying too.
“The autopsy showed the baby’s placenta had separated due to the trauma from the seatbelt. Like Xavi, she was otherwise unhurt.”
“You’re telling me that the only reason she didn’t survive is because she was pregnant?”
And Xavier has had to live with that. The unspoken words hang between us.
Zoey takes a few breaths and continues. “We knew he was suffering, but he withdrew to this place where it was impossible for anyone to reach him. He threw himself into his business with a singular focus and became tremendously wealthier.”
“He didn’t drink, but he smoked like a chimney, worked too hard and slept too little. But he refused to break. He remained the perfect brother, perfect brother-in-law, and perfect son.” She takes another swallow of her water. “And with Lisa, eventually, the perfect uncle.”
“I was also pregnant at the time, you see.” Oh God. I didn’t know it was possible for my heart to break even more.
“He couldn’t bear to be around me. He avoided me like the plague. But on the day Lisa was born, he came to see us. He’d stopped smoking because of Lisa, and heaven only knows what he did instead to cope. From there on he was perfect. Until now. Well, until two weeks ago.”
Zoey grabs my hand. “He’s got such an enormous heart, Brooke. He gives and gives so much love, so much of himself, he just struggles to really let people in. Which is why we’ve been so over the moon about you.”
“Everyone. Our parents, Me, Dan, Ryan, Wyatt, Alex… everyone who knew about Taylor.”
Vanessa wasn’t over the moon. She’d warned me. She had tried to love him herself and failed. Xavier is wrapped in Taylor’s ghost.
“I don’t see how I’m different seeing as he pushed me away.”Only, I was the one who was stupid enough to get pregnant.
“Brooke. I love you to bits, but Xavi is my twin brother. So, it may sound like I’m selfishly looking out for his happiness at the expense of yours, but I’ve never seen my brother with anyone the way he was with you. Not even Taylor.” She passes me a piece of paper. “He’s being a jerk and sabotaging his first chance of happiness in a long time, but I also know he’s hurting. He must be. Go to him. Please.”
I look at the paper. It’s the address of the Crowne. Room 901.
I want nothing more than to go, and I debate it for a long time. Then I push the paper back. “I love him and my heart breaks for him, but, Zoey, I’m sorry, I can’t deal with this for him. No one can. He has to decide if he needs us—the baby and me—more than the guilt of the past and fear for the future.”
“Thank you for telling me all this.”
I stand from my seat and hug her. She holds me for a long time. “I love you, Brooke.”
I leave quickly before I can change my mind and snatch the paper out of Zoey’s hands.
I return to find a damp kitchen floor, and when I enter the living room, I see a big, blond, half-naked man bent over his phone. He looks up as I enter and I recognize him with a shock that roots me to the spot.
Ryan? In my house, half-naked. His hair is wet.
“Great,you’re back.” He approaches, not seeing anything amiss.
Stella comes out of her room in a dressing gown, toweling her hair. I can’t believe Stella would do this—sleep with Xavier’s best friend, with everything that’s going on.
“Oh, thank God—”
“Stella!” I whirl on her. “How could you? Ryan, of all people, for goodness’ sake!” I point to him.
“Hey, it’s not—” Ryan begins.