“It’s been almost two weeks, Stella. I’m worried about him.” I nibble on dry toast. As if in tune with my roiling emotions, the morning sickness has worsened in the past couple of weeks.
“Brooke, he’s fine. If he’d died it would have made the news.” Stella sees the stricken look on my face and softens. “I mean, of course nothing’s happened to him. He’s probably just—working… okay, I don’t know what the hell he’s doing but he better have a fucking terrific excuse for pulling this shit.” Stella grabs a large mug from the cupboard. “Here, I’ll get your ginger tea.” She stomps around the kitchen.
Everyone is so angry these days,I think. I’m just hollowed out. I wish I could be angry, but all I do is cry and worry. Stella says it’s the hormones. I can’t even speak to Mom and Nan, I wouldn’t know where to begin. I feel like I can’t tell anyone else until I’ve spoken with Xavier.
I look at my phone again. “Maybe if I speak to Zoey?”
Stella gives me a look.
“I just need to know, Stella. Yes, he might tell me to go to hell and he might be cold and uncaring, but I can’t live in this limbo. The silence is killing me. Maybe if I know for sure, then I can move on.”
Stella is still shaking her head when I wipe the stupid tear hanging onto my lower lash and dial Zoey’s number, putting the phone on speaker.
“Hey, Brooke!” she answers. “It’s so nice to hear from you. I’ve been meaning to call.”
Stella and I look at each other.
“Hi, Zoey,” I say.
“We’ve missed you, so much. Lisa most of all. I think she’s been saving her art project for when you come by, but Xavier is just besotted with you. It appears Lisa isn’t the only one who needs to learn how to share…”
“Um, Zoey,” I begin, “have you… seen Xavier?”
“Xavi? Is he not with you?”
“No, I’ve not seen him in almost two weeks.” My voice breaks. “I just want to know, Zoey, is he alright?”
“He called me from work today and he seemed alright.”
“I see.”
“Did you say he’s not contacted you in two weeks?” Zoey sounds incredulous.
“Yes, well, we had an argument and he walked out. He’s not responding to my messages. I don’t even think he’s reading them.”
“That’s very unusual behavior for Xavi. He’s not one to let quarrels fester.”
Zoey continues, “To be honest, I haven’t seen much of him either. Dan and I have been out of town and his parents have had Lisa for the past week; we only just got backthis morning. Brooke, if you don’t mind me asking, what was the fight about?”
“Um.” I lose the courage to speak. I look at Stella and she nods. “I’d appreciate it if you kept this between us.”
“Of course,” Zoey says.
I let out a sigh. “I found out I’m pregnant.” I hear Zoey’s gasp. “I told him…”
“And he didn’t take it well. Figures.”
“What do you mean?”
“Brooke, you can’t imagine how grateful I am that you’ve told me this. I’ll check in on him and let you know. But would you do me a favor and meet me for coffee or lunch tomorrow? I don’t mind if it’s closer to yours, just in case you want to get back to work. It’ll just be us two.”
“Um, okay.” I think of Libby’s. “There’s a place not far from Regal Elementary that I sometimes have lunch at.”
“Right, and your school is on Howard Avenue, isn’t it?”
“Yes, I’ll text you the address, although I’m not sure I’ll be able to take a lunch break tomorrow.” The new arts and music club assistant starts tomorrow. “Perhaps around four o’clock?”
“Definitely. And, Brooke? Thank you. See you tomorrow.”