“It was good, thanks. We should do last night more often.”
“Xavier, I don’t think I’ll survive having several nights like that.”
“Sure you will, we’ll work on your stamina.”
“It’s… too much pleasure.” Her breath hitches.
Desire unfurls low in my belly and I go from semi-hard to rock-hard.
“There’s no such thing,” I say, then deliberately steer the conversation to safer ground before I attack her while she’s sick.
“Lisa’s been asking for you. She’s doing some art from school and wanted to do it together with you. She’s been collecting all sorts of leaves and sticks and sweet wrappers and wouldn’t let Dan help because ‘nobody does it like Brooke’.”
“I miss her too. It’s been over a week, I think.”
I’ve been keeping Brooke to myself in the past week. My tight network of friends and family have been all over Brooke because she’s such a delightfully warm person but I want to have some alone time with my girlfriend for a few weeks before I let them have her again.
“Lisa adores you, and so does Zoey. And Dan. And all the boys. You’d think you walked on water or something.”
She smiles. “You have a wonderful family, Xavier, and Lisa is super fond of you. She made it so hard for me to avoid you in the beginning.”
“Yeah, Lisa’s on my team alright.” I laugh. “She knows she can get away with murder with me.”
Brooke giggles. “I know right? You’re such an amazing uncle.”
“Thanks, babe.” I kiss her forehead, and we settle into a comfortable silence.
“Were you there when Lisa was born?” she asks suddenly.
“You mean in the delivery room? No, thank you. Dan would have my head!”
She laughs nervously. “Of course not. I meant since she was a baby.”
“Pretty much.”
“So, were you alright with, you know, with feeding and changing and burping, potty training and the like?”
I pause and look at her. Strange question. She has this terrified look on her face. “Well, it’s all a blur, really. I don’t remember the specifics. I might have changed a nappy or two—”
“Have you ever, you know, thought about having a baby yourself?”
A shrill ringing starts in my ears. I go very still, waiting for it to pass. “No. Why do you ask?”
She shrugs, avoiding my gaze, and I know something is very wrong.
“Xavier, I’m pregnant.”
I feel the blood drain out of my face.
“Excuse me?”
“I said I’m pregnant.”
I stand, suddenly needing to put as much space as possible between us.
“You said you were on the pill.” My voice rises, and I ball my tremoring hand in a fist.