We go through the front door and I have to press the bell because Stella has the keys.

She opens the door. And screams.

“Brooke!” She jumps on me. “I missed you so much.”

Stella finally notices Xavier behind me. Her mouth opens like a fish.

“Hi,” he says, “you must be Stella. I’ve heard so much about you.”

“Stella, this isXavier,” I say as we enter the living room.

“Hi”—she shakes his hand—“nice to meet you, Xavier.”

Xavier asks where to put my suitcases, and I lead him to my room. Stella’s jaw is still hanging open when I offer Xavier a drink.

“I’m good, baby. You okay?” I know he’s asking if he’s alright to leave.

I nod, and he kisses me briefly, stroking his tongue against mine. He kisses my neck, whispering, “I’ll call you.” Then he gives Stella a light squeeze on her shoulder and bids her goodnight.

She’s still standing in the middle of the living room, gaping at me.

“Close your mouth, Stella.”

“What in the holy hell was that?”

“That,” I say, “was my boyfriend dropping me off.”

“No way!” Stella starts to scream again, hopping around like a deranged puppet.

“Weren’t we going to ghost him after this trip? It’s been two days! How did you get from there to here?”

“A lot happened,” I say.

“You have to tell me everything! You cannot leave anything out.”

She follows me around.

“Well, the first thing I should tell you is I found your long-lost twin.”

“Come again?”

“Her name is Bonnie, and, Stella, you’re a match made in heaven. I’ve told her all about you and I think she’s got a small crush on you already. We’re meeting her next week.”

“O-okay. Did you by any chance bring me a hot man too? I know Cancun must have been crawling with them.”

“It was, to be fair. But what about Luke?”

Stella rolls her eyes. “History! Come on, Brooke, a girl has got to have standards.”

“You know, Stella, I have no idea what your standards are.”

“Not to bore me to death would be a good start.”

“Anyway, so yeah, you brought me a chick. Awesome. Now give me the goods before I die of curiosity.”

“Well, how much time have you got? Not going out tonight?”

“I have no plans whatsoever. Besides sitting at your feet and soaking in every single juicy detail.”