“It’s alright, Bonnie,” Zoey says, “I just need to find some bleach later to scrub off the mental image.” She shrugs. “Other than that…”
We laugh.
“You know, I came to see if you girls wanted to play,” she asks, motioning to the makeshift volleyball court.
“Well, there’s a game going on,” I say.
“Not for long. The boys are longing for a mixed-side game. James has asked me twice now, so I’mgoing round the girls to see who wants to play.” It’s mostly James and Giovanni’s men playing. Xavier and the others have gone jet skiing.
“I’ve got Andrea, Sabrina, and Vanessa so far. And there are sports bras and shorts we can change into so we don’t give the boys too exciting a game.” She winks.
I look over at where Vanessa is flirting with one of Giovanni’s men. She’s not even looked at or spoken a word to me since yesterday, something I’m immensely grateful for. I wonder if I have Xavier to thank for that.
I can tell Zoey wants to play. I, on the other hand, can’t abide the thought of running around. I’m so tired after barely getting any sleep with Xavier.
“Oh, you go ahead, girls. Zoey, I’m happy to watch Lisa. And Holly, if Emma wants to play too.”
Bonnie gives a triumphant whoop, then whispers to me, “Lucky bitch, I knew you couldn’t walk.” I laugh as they leave to join the others.
We eventually arrive in New York late Sunday evening. The flight back to New York was exciting, with everyone chatting about the events of the wedding.
Two chauffeured cars meet us at the airport; one takes Dan and Zoey home, and Xavier drives me to my apartment in the other.
“Yes, baby.”
Gosh, I love it when he calls me that.
“I had such a wonderful time. Thank you for taking me.”
“My pleasure.” He raises our linked hands to his mouth.
“So, how does this work?” I ask, motioning to us.
“I’ll let you set the pace. Whatever you’re comfortable with. Within reason, of course.”
“What does that mean?”
“I mean, it’s my relationship as much as yours, and I do have needs and preferences.”
“Why does that sound like you’re negotiating a deal with me?”
“Don’t worry, Brooke, I’m just saying I’ll need to see you often.”
“How often?”
“Ideally? Every day.”
“Which is why I’ll let you set the pace.”
“Okay, you know before when you said relationship... is that what we’re in?”
“I’m obviously not doing a good job of making things clear. I’m your boyfriend, Brooklyn Lewis. How is that for clarity?”