By the time I reach the luxurious bathroom, which is thankfully empty, the wave of nausea has passed. I look at my reflection. I could use some lip gloss. Taking the fruity lip gloss from my purse, I hold it to my mouth but my hand is trembling too badly to complete the task.
I’m in love with Xavier. I now know that for certain. I just didn’t want to face it. And the moment I’m ready to stop denying what I know in my heart to be true, I hear he’s in love with someone else.Could my luck get any worse?
I drop my hand and take big gulps of air. I splash some water on my face and pat it dry.I’ll be just fine,I tell myself.I just need to go back out there and act as if the bottom hasn’t fallen out of my world.
I finally leave the bathroom, but instead of heading to the reception, I turn toward my room. I’m feeling too raw. I need more time to get myself together before I can face Xavier. I’m on the bed staring up at the ceiling when someone knocks on my door.
I go to open it, thinking it’s Bonnie.
Xavier fills the doorway.Okay, calm down, you’ve got this. “You left all of a sudden,” he says, worry knitting his brow.
“I just needed to lie down for a bit.” I leave the door open for him and turn back toward the bed.
“Baby, are you alright?” He stops me, takes me in his arms, and kisses the top of my head. My frayed heart can’t take his tenderness.
“Um, I’ll be fine, but maybe don’t call me that.”
“What? ‘Baby’? Brooke, talk to me, what’s going on? Did Vanessa say something to you?”
“Who is Taylor?” I blurt.
Xavier rears back in shock. He turns and slowly walks toward the window, hands in his pockets.My God, it’s true. Taylor does exist. There’s an awful twisting in my belly.
“Are you in love with her?” My voice breaks.
“Is that what Vanessa told you?” His back is still turned. And I have my answer in his hesitation and his avoidance of the question. All the hope I had shrivels.
I say weakly, “What am I doing here if there’s another woman—”
“Taylor is dead, Brooke. Vanessa knows this. She died almost six years ago.” His voice is deathly still. “And yes, I loved her. She was my fiancée. But I’m not in love with her. Not anymore.”
“Not for a long time.” Xavier mutters the last part under his breath.
I’m beyond shocked to hear this.Xavier lost his fiancée?My heart bleeds for how horrible it must have been for him. There is another part of me, though, the darker part apparently, that is relieved that this Taylor woman is no longer involved with the man I love.
I go to him and slip my arms around his waist. “I’m so very sorry, Xavier, I had no idea.” I feel the tension in his muscles and his posture, which remains rigid.
“It’s alright,Brooke, it’s in the past.” He turns and pins me with an intense look. “What I do want to know is why the idea of another woman upset you so much.”
I take a calming breath. “I don’t know. I guess I just don’t want to be someone you’re playing with.”
He looks at me as if I’ve sprouted horns, so I explain. “Like this whole weekend, you’ve been so wonderful, and I don’t know how much of this is real.” There, I’ve said it.
“I could say the same thing about you, Brooke.” Xavier reaches out a hand and tucks my hair behind my ear. “I’ve seen sides to you I’ve never seen before.” His hand lingers on my face.
“Exactly, so it’s confusing—this thing between us.” I look away from his eyes because it feels like they’re boring into my soul.
“Let me simplify it then. Do you want it to be real?”
My heart starts to pound. “What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean.” His thumb is under my chin, lifting my face so he can look deeply into my eyes. The rest of his fingers are wrapped around my neck in a gentle, possessive hold. “Do you want to be with me, Brooke?”
Oh God. I want to run, to say no, to deny what my heart desperately wants, but I manage a shy nod.
“Say it,” he commands, “out loud.”
“Yes,” I whisper.