“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“How did you get here? Who let you in?”

“Dan and Zoey, I’m here for Lisa. I’m filling in for her nanny.”

What were the odds of that? She came to my nightclub last week and all of a sudden she’s wormed her way into my sister’s home.

“Oh, you’re a nanny now?” I can’t keep the sarcasm from my voice. “I thought you worked in an elementary school.”

“Yes, well, I thoughtyouwere into real estate,” she shoots back.

“Okay, so what is this then? You found out I downplayed who I am and thought to track me down through my sister to get—”

“I donotwant your money!” she says hotly.

“Good of you to clear that up. You should also know I don’t do repeat fucks. Ever.”

She rears back as if I’d slapped her. She takes a breath, and when she meets my eyes, hers are filled with a cold indifference. “Don’t even flatter yourself, Xavier. You’re the last person I want to be with.”

That rankles.

I step closer to her, invading her personal space. She looks away and takes a step back. I want her eyes back on me. Those gray eyes I can read so clearly. Her eyes never lie. I follow her until her back hits the glass wall.

She doesn’t meet my eyes still; she turns her head to the side instead, which exposes her neck to me. I see the fluttering pulse point and catch a whiff of her rich, warm scent. Desire surges through me.Christ, that smell…

“I don’t know,” I murmur into her neck, “somehow, I didn’t get that impression last week. Quite the opposite actually, when—”

“Uncle Xavi!”

Lisa runs out of her room toward us. I step back from Brooke, and I catch Lisa in my arms.

“Morning, buttercup.” I give her a hug.

“Mommy says I’m getting a new babysitter because I made Coral cry.” She puts her face into my neck. “I have to be nice now.”

Brooke says in a soothing voice, “I’m sure you didn’t mean to do it, dear.”

Lisa turns to look at Brooke as if just noticing her standing there. She studies Brooke for a long minute.

“Are you my new babysitter?”

“Yes, Lisa, my name is Brooke.”

Lisa looks at Brooke’s hair. “I like your hair. Can you make my hair like yours?”

“Sure thing, and maybe we can even dress you like a princess too.”

“Kay.” She bobs her head enthusiastically. “But I have to be a queen. I already have many princesses.”

Lisa reaches out and Brooke takes her from me, her forearm accidentally brushing against mine in the process. I feel a crackle of electricity down my arm and my dick throbs.

Get it together, Bennett.

Lisa continues to chatter excitedly, bouncing off Brooke’s hips as they leave the foyer. “We’ll throw a ball for all the princesses, and they can all dress pretty…”

Brooke doesn’t spare me a backward glance, not even turning when she gets into the elevator, but my eyes are glued to her retreating back. It occurs to me that Lisa has never taken to anyone that fast. But more to the point, Brooke Lewis is actually here. In my house. Working for my family. I look down at my raging erection, evident through my sweatpants.

I need to better control myself around that woman.