“We don’t have all day, do we?”
She glanced one last time in the direction of the soldiers who had abandoned their duties to witness her failure. The cool autumn breeze blew her hair out of her face, sliding over her shoulders until the dark mane fell down her back. Naithea gathered strength in the whistling of the birds that flew overhead and then lunged forward, doing exactly what Leonel had ordered her to do.
The sword sliced through the air and collided with the other metal blade, parrying the impact of her own against his stomach. She hadn’t come close to hitting Leonel, but he’d moved to stop her from rushing forward and shortening the distance. Their eyes met and the soldier chuckled, amused at Naithea’s angry expression.
She struck and missed again.
Again and again until she got used to the weight of the weapon and something inside her urged her to keep moving.
With each attack, Leonel held back her movements with precision, as if he could finish her off with a simple maneuver. Not once did he mock her for failing, but encouraged her to keep up her efforts.
Her friend swung his sword and the edge of his weapon cut the ends of Naithea’s hair, causing her to recoil in amazement at his accuracy. If he’d come even an inch closer, she could have lost much more than hair.
“Mistake number one.” Leonel twirled the blade in his fingers effortlessly. “Anything that is a weakness must be eliminated.”
“I won’t cut my hair if that’s what you’re suggesting.”
“There are more weaknesses than just your hair. Your necklace, for example.” He nodded toward the chain dangling between her collarbones. “If it’s of the strong material I believe it is, I could simply take it in my hands and use it to deprive you of air.”
Naithea hid it under her white shirt. She gasped for air and cursed herself for her deplorable physical condition . . . She should have agreed to morning walks with Kaenna and Anera before breakfast, if not to keep her figure, to at least not feel like throwing up after only a few exercises.
“You’ll have to teach me how to fight with those weaknesses.”
“If you wish,” Leonel said respectfully.
They moved again. It was a dance of attack and defense that Naithea performed awkwardly. The soldier disarmed her five more times, but she didn’t plan to give up so easily.
She lunged forward with her sword raised high and the monster inside her growled with the ferocity of a wild animal.
‘End his life.’
Naithea didn’t want to hurt Leonel. She wished the monster would wake up when she found the Fiend and help her end his life for what he’d done to Jehanne.
An arm wrapped around her chest, and the sword flew from her hand, sliding across the grass and out of the fighting ring. Her back collided against a firm chest, the pressure of a blade kissing her throat. Naithea gasped in surprise, but as her body molded to the man who had disarmed her, her breath steadied. His left hand caressed her side, sending shivers down her spine, as a low growl brushed against her ear.
“Mistake number two, love,” Ward whispered. “Not watching for further threats.”
He loosened his grip and his sword fell to his side, before Naithea turned slowly. Their gazes met with a thousand thoughts and forbidden desires. About the night before, about the intimate moment they had shared, their lips brushing in promise . . . And about everything that happened afterwards. He had torn down the wall Naithea had built around her soul.
Around her heart.
“Ward,” she muttered.
The commander raised an eyebrow. “I see you found our camp.”
“Her tracking skills seem to be better than Leonel’s, Commander,” Soldier Cranner joked, gaining a punch from his friend. But Ward only had eyes for her. “She could be a good asset to the army.”
“She certainly is,” he answered, the corners of his lips tugging upward.
“You’re a terrible liar,” she declared.
“I’ve been trained to lie, torture, and kill, remember?” Ward said, and earned another of her smiles. “If I’d known you hadn’t had enough of me last night, I’d have stayed a little longer.”
“You would have had to pay double.”
“Money isn’t an issue, love.”
She could feel her stomach tighten under his words. Naithea held his stare despite the forbidden emotions thrumming in her chest.