Page 67 of Enzo


"Right here." He walked into the room.

"You look like hell."

"If you could see yourself, you wouldn't say that about me. You almost died. You both almost died."

"I remember falling and nothing else. They were on me, and I lost consciousness quickly. Who saved me?"

"Your mate."

"You saved me?"

"I love you." They forgot who was in the room as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

Chapter Twenty-six

Ven stood in thedoorway looking at his sleeping parents. They woke up and his heart skipped a beat. Would they still want him after going through such a dramatic trauma? When Deja reached out to him, he wanted to cry. Kur'ik warriors didn't cry. Then his father woke up, and it was a lovefest. He didn't know that love could feel like this.

He quietly walked into the room until he was standing next to his mother. He leaned over and kissed her. Deja didn't wake but she smiled. His heart thumped. She'd come here and made them a family.

Ven walked around to his father. He stared down at the male who created a miracle. Ven was that miracle. Warriors didn't show each other affection. He knew this; he'd grown up as a warrior. It didn't stop him from leaning over and placing a kiss on his father's forehead. His father reached out and caught his arm.

"I love you, son," Enzo whispered in their language. Ven smiled and turned away.

"Ven," Enzo said.

Ven stopped, not turning around. He wasn't ready for his father to see the joy that radiated from him.

"Vengeance belongs to the son, make him suffer." Ven tilted his head before walking out of the room.

He closed the door and slipped out into the night. All the lessons he'd learned over his long life came back to him. He looked at the garage, before walking in the opposite direction. His mother hadn't had a chance to give him driving lessons, but he knew they would come.

"Vengeance belongs to the son."His father's words reverberated in his mind.

He watched his mother transform into a mythical being that seeded the galaxy. His biological mother used to tell him those tales when she put him to sleep. It amazed him that he could remember the good times while blocking out the worst.

He had a new mother now. One who loved him no matter what came her way. How could he allow a threat against her to walk the earth? Ven knew why his father hadn't killed Matt, and he agreed with him. If he hadn't seen his mother fight with everything she had—to keep their family together and save the rest of their people—he might have been able to walk away.

After watching her give everything down to risking her life, there was no way this threat could be allowed to linger in their minds.

He crossed the barrier, knowing someone was watching him. He gave the 'all is well sign' before walking down the street. It didn't take him long to find the house of the man who had hurt his mother. Ku'riks were fast. He was younger and faster than all of them.

A smile crossed his lips as he thought of his mother. She would have said 'Ah, youth.' He never appreciated his age until she came along.

A stray-thought of Angel invaded his mind. He quickly pushed it away. Beauty and light had no place with him tonight. He'd walk past her house tomorrow to see her sitting on the porch. Maybe she would talk to him.

He walked by Matt's house, slowly fading into the background. He didn't want to scare any humans by suddenly popping out of view. He circled the block three times. When he was sure no one had seen him, he approached Matt's house from the back. The door was unlocked and slightly ajar.

Ven walked in to find the house trashed. Dishes piled up in the sink. Nothing had been cleaned, and there was a foul odor coming from all the rooms.

Matt ran from room to room screaming. He was wearing rags, and there was several days' of hair growth on his face. Ven stepped out of the shadows, allowing Matt to see him.

He screamed and ran at Ven, who sidestepped him. Matt kept running until the kitchen counter blocked his progress. He pulled a butcher's knife from the block and turned around to face Ven.

"What did you do to me?" he growled, his voice guttural, a far cry from the smooth, sophisticated tone he used when Ven first met him.

"That was my father. What did you expect to happen when you abused my mother? My father's mate?"