"You'll also need me." Cait came out of the shadows with her mate standing at her side. "I think we should let everyone know our secret, Declyn."
"Let's get them into Enzo's house, and then we'll sort the rest out. Ven, check on Mia and the girls. Make sure you let them know that everything is fine, and they can get some rest. The rest of you, clean the streets and take care of yourselves. We'll have a meeting tomorrow, Avel."
He gave a nod of his head. "We will be going; I want to catch any incoming call from the other ship if there is one. We have dead to bury."
"Thank you, Avel. We're alive because of you."
"Maybe. Let us hope that we have dodged the Las coming straight at our heads." The Thalians drifted off, carrying the bodies of their brothers and sisters with them.
"Get them into the house."
"Carry them together," Cait said before she disappeared inside.
Deja and Enzo were lying in his master bedroom, but no one had moved to do anything since they laid them down.
Ven walked into the room to see them standing around staring. "What's happening?"
"Nothing. I want to work on your father, but I can't because she has her wing wrapped tightly around him."
"She is Deja, his mate, and my mother. She claimed me."
"Mom?" Ven walked to the bed and sat on the edge of it next to Deja. She looked so different from her normal self. She looked like the creatures his mother used to describe to him as a child. The ones that created the universe and could destroy it with a breath.
His hand reached out and touched her face. "Mom, we can't help dad unless you take your wing away."
He waited; either they were a family, and she would respond, or it had all been a dream that would fall apart.
She opened her eyes and smiled at Ven before she took her wing away. She closed them again and remained unmoving.
"Did you see the color of her eyes?"
"I did," Xander said as he and Caden left the room.
"I'm telling Cole to open The Wolves' Den if he hasn't already." One of them called back into the room.
"Drinks on the house," Declyn shouted before the front door closed.
"He should be dead," Tristan told them as he ran a modified scanner over Enzo.
"She's holding him to his body."
"She can't do that."
"Then tell me how a human can turn into a creature everyone thought of as a myth? She's holding him to his body."
"And how do you know this, Cait?"
"I've been studying human medicine and have several degrees to prove it. I never thought I would need it, but I wondered since they looked like us on the outside if there was any connection between us."
"Did you find one?"
"No, I found something else."
"Something you think explains what we are seeing?"
"Yes, but I need blood and more people like her to be sure."
"What are you doing?"