"This is where you can put your purse and take your breaks if you want privacy. Make phone calls, etc. We have a main office on the other side of the bar. That's where you can find Declyn or me if we're not on the floor." The sound of his voice brought her out of her thoughts.
"Thank you. I realized when I was coming here that I didn't ask you for some pertinent details earlier, like how much will I make an hour, what's the name of the bar, and what's the address."
They walked out of the main room into a door on the back wall that led into a small locker area where he gave her a lock and a key and assigned her a locker for her belongings. Then they went to the side where he showed her two small rooms, each holding a shower.
"Sometimes spills occur, so you may want to keep an extra set of clothes here. As you can see, we have two showers, and they both have doors that lock, so there's no fear of someone walkinginto the room while you're showering." She nodded, looking around; the setup was nice, catching her by surprise.
They walked back into the main room; there were nice chairs for sitting and a fridge to store food. Enzo indicated a chair for her to sit. Her mouth popped open when he told her how much she would make an hour. She would be able to afford a decent apartment.
"We call this place The Wolves' Den. It was catchy, and we liked it. As for the address, it's 1722 Wolverine Ave."
"Somebody is obsessed with wolves."
"Guilty," Declyn said as he walked in. "I was just checking to see if you were here."
"I am," she stood up, feeling guilty that she was sitting when she should be on the clock. It wasn't right, but she had wanted a few private minutes with Enzo, to bask in his presence and his smell.
When she woke up earlier, she could have sworn that she smelled him on her sheets. She'd make sure she had eight hours before she got up tomorrow.
"I'm ready." Enzo nodded and led her through the door and into the bar area.
"Deja, this is Cole. He works at the bar, and we're hiring help for him. It can get rather brisk here late at night. Cole, this is Deja." Enzo made his introductions and backed up while keeping his eyes planted on Cole.
"Hi, Deja," Cole stuck his hand out. "Nice to meet you."
His hand was big and warm, reminding her of Enzo, but she didn't have the electric feeling of warmth circulating through her body.
"Nice to meet you, Cole. I can't wait to learn."
He gave a nice laugh and a friendly smile. "We'll start out easy tonight. You'll be responsible for the beer and anyone who wants a soft drink."
A round of boos went up at the mention of soft drinks, and she broke out into an amused laugh. The whole bar stopped to look at her. Those eyes she thought were shining earlier were ablaze now. She was closer to being clinically insane than she thought.
"If you're not drinking, I'm kicking you out!" The whole bar started mumbling at Cole, but at least no one was staring at her now. She could do this. With a smile, Cole showed her which glasses he used for beer and which ones he used for soft drinks. She truly wasn't much of a drinker, so she was amazed at the different glasses he used behind the bar.
"Are you messing with me? You don't drink?"
"I'm telling the truth. I had a couple of wine coolers when I was younger, and I even had Sex on the Beach and a Masturbation." Her cheeks turned red even as she said the words.
"It was on a dare, wasn't it?"
She laughed, "It was. I had to go up to the bar and order them. That was back when I was in college. It feels like forever now."
She was wiping up the bar even though it didn't need it. These males seemed to like things clean.
"Well, my teetotaler, you're going to have to drink alcohol, so you know the different flavors. It will help you make sure the patrons are ordering what they need."
"I hope this doesn't sound bad, but shouldn't they know what they want to drink?"
"Not always, but I'll explain that further after your thirty days are up."
She was fine with that. What she wasn't fine with was her stomach when it started to rumble.
"Did you eat dinner?" He looked her over with a frown.
"I didn't have time; I'll get something when I get home."
"Enzo!" Cole's voice cut through all the noise. The door beside the bar opened, and Enzo and Declyn stuck their heads out.