Page 4 of Enzo

"Why don't we start over again? That's Declyn, and I'm Enzo. Declyn's in charge around here, but I usually handle the hiring."

Enzo; she would so be dreaming about him tonight.

"I'm Deja, and all I want is a job." She lifted her chin and stuck her chest out, saying without words that she was proud of who she was.

"Pity, I want so much more," Enzo gave her a wink.

"Enzo," Declyn's voice held a warning in it.

"What's his problem?"all her voices asked at once.

"Declyn, the law of the land says we can't base our hiring practices on preference. If we can't hire her, we need a viable reason. Forgive him; this is sort of new to both of us. Neither of us has a problem with your size. In fact, I would say you're just about perfect. We're big men, and scrawny women don't appeal to us. Nothing against them either; it's just that I want to know my female can take my body."

God help her now because she could feel a line of wetness trickling down to her panties. Her libido was presently rolling around and enjoying the sensation as if she had never felt pleasure before.

Anger was killing her joy though. It kept pointing out if it wasn't her size, then it must be her color they had a problem with.

She opened her mouth to blast him.

"I'm not finished yet."

She closed her mouth and waited; she could blast him in a few minutes.

"You mentioned your color. You are an enticing brown. I want to lick you, everywhere." He threw her a quick grin. "Your color does not put me off; it doesn't even put Declyn off. What worries us about you and personally excites me is that you are female."

She opened her mouth, closed it, and tried to process what her gender might have to do with anything.

"Oh. Is this a gay club?" No wonder they would want males.

"No," Enzo shook his head. "It's also not anti-gay. What I'm trying to say is that the majority of our clients are males. Big,tall, strapping." Shifters from another planet and you are like freaking catnip among males that haven't had a female in over four hundred years.

"That's okay; I can deal with men. I mean, I see them every day. I worked with men every day in my previous job. I need this job." She stiffened; she hadn't meant to say that, but if she didn't have a job soon, there wouldn't be money for a deposit on some place else to live. Right now, she was looking at a shelter or her friend's couch, and neither of those appealed to her.

"Have a seat while we go and discuss your application."

She nodded and watched as they went back through the door they came through. It wasn't as if she gave them references or anything. With a sigh, she dropped into one of the comfortable armchairs. She should be sitting at the bar trying to look professional, but she was tired, and how she sat wasn't going to get her the job. She either had it, or she didn't.

They were gone a while, so she closed her eyes and grabbed a small nap in a place that made her feel safe.


She opened her eyes to see Enzo's hand on her arm. His hand made her feel small, almost petite. It felt like between the two of them, he was bigger, someone she could curl up against, someone who would offer her security. She shook her head, coming back to reality even as she felt the heat from his hand flooding her and traveling through her body. At this moment between sleep and wakefulness, she knew this was as it was meant to be.

"Well, what did the two of you decide?" Her voice was a little thick with sleep, and she could have sworn she heard him swallow a groan.

"We're going to give you a chance. A thirty-day probationary period. If at any time during this period you feel we are thewrong place for you or we feel you are wrong for this place, we will part ways, no explanation needed."

She tilted her head and considered his offer, although it was the only one she had on the table right now. She liked it. At least she knew she had a job. She wouldn't think about losing it for now. Wait, when did they want her to start?

"When does the job start?"

"Tonight. Can you be here at eight? Your shift will go from eight until two."

"I can be here." Lucky her, she even owned mace, so walking home at night shouldn't be a problem.

He took her hand and helped her to stand up. She wasn't sure what happened; maybe she tripped. All she knew was that she was flush against his big body. It felt like he moved against her like he was marking her. Her nipples didn't care as they pebbled nice and hard. Her panties gave up being dry the moment she laid eyes on him. Her thighs were shaking, and it wasn't because she was tired. Her pussy was throbbing. There is no way one stumble against a male should have her body acting like this. Okay, she needed sleep before she came back.

He walked her to the door, and she was standing on the porch before she realized it. She couldn't wait to call her best friend and tell her all about it.