"He's the one that said he only wanted to talk to her that first night I followed her home," Ven added.
"Where is she?" Enzo turned to look at her, his eyes glowing. The green of them was eerie looking.
Safire swallowed hard as she turned to look at Ven's eyes. They were almost the same, both glowing, but Ven's eyes were blue. For a minute, the creepy twins from horror movies scratched at the back of her mind. Then she remembered Deja's voice saying her guys would never hurt her, and Safire was under their protection.
"Matt lives in Mount Lebanon. I know where his house is, although I've never been in it." She thrust any lingering fear to the side. Matt was crazy and getting progressively worse. She wasn't sure he wouldn't hurt Deja.
"I can take you there." She watched as they both shook their heads. They looked like twins. "How are you going to find it without me?"
"You're going to give us directions and the address, and we are going to use these phones that Deja made us buy to get more directions."
"I have to go with you." She raised her voice, needing them to hear her.
Enzo reached out and placed his hands on her arms. A loud growl made him take his hands off fast. Someone was claiming her, but he didn't have time to find out who.
"Listen to me, Safire. Matt and his men have guns. It won't matter to them if you get hurt in the crossfire. What they want, who they want, is Deja, and they'll kill to get her."
"Matt is crazy, but..."
"They abducted her at gunpoint. This was their third attempt, not the first. I know men of war, and that's what he is. He won't care if you live or die, but Deja will. I can't take you into that situation. I promise I'll have her call you when she's free."
"All right, please be careful. Deja won't be happy if anything happens to either of you."
"How'd you get here?"
A frown crossed her face, wrinkling her nose. "I drove, but about two blocks away, the darn thing stopped working, so I walked the rest of the way."
"Ven," Enzo turned to look at him.
"I'll walk Safire to her car and make sure that next time it doesn't stall out at the barrier."
"We'll get her back," Enzo said he watch Ven escorted Safire out. Once she was out of earshot, he let out a low grumble that moved through the neighborhood, touching everyone, sending a warning. "She's under my protection. Don't forget that."
There was no reply as he made his way back to the garage.
The car was out and ready to go by the time Ven got back. He slid into the front seat, buckling his seatbelt. Enzo had to smile because his seat belt was also on. The possibility of them getting hurt in a car crash was so slim they didn't even take the time to calculate it.
"We got company," Ven said.
A charger was coming to a stop behind them. It was a reverse of Enzo's. Declyn's was red with black accents. When you see the two cars together, they could take your breath away.
Declyn was in the driver's seat, and Cole was riding shotgun. In the back were Caden and Xander. Both were customers at The Wolves' Den. Xander was the male that challenged Deja. Now he was her strongest supporter.
Enzo put the car in gear, following the directions Ven was reading off the phone.
"Do you think he hurt her?" Ven asked. They had been driving in silence for close to thirty minutes, and according to the navigation on the phone, they would be there in roughly five minutes.
"I don't know, but it doesn't matter." Enzo said.
"It doesn't?" Ven said.
"Deja belongs with me." Enzo glanced at Ven quickly. "She belongs with us, and for that, he'll pay."
"He'll just keep coming after her if we let him go," Ven said, understanding the nature of males like Matt.
"I know." Nothing was going to stop Matt now that he was focused on Deja, so Enzo would have to stop him.
They drove casually by the house Safire said belonged to Matt. There were two cars parked in front of it and one in the driveway.