Page 33 of Enzo

Umm, he tasted so good, sweet like he was her personal treat.

She pinched her clit, coming when he did with a high-pitched sound. When she looked up, it was to see his eyes flaming and his body shaking. Her big warrior. She was willing to bet no one had ever done this to him. He picked her up and laid her on the bed. He left the room and came back with a warm rag to clean her body. Then he pulled her into his arms and cuddled her.

One step at a time, my alien warrior, she thought before closing her eyes and falling asleep.

Chapter Thirteen

Safire's going to callthe cops and report us missing.

I'm betting she already has. You know how she is.

We'll never hear the end of this.

Get up and call her.

"All I want is sleep," Deja mumbled groggily.

Get some after you call Safire. We all know how she is.

They were right; she needed to call, but truthfully, she wanted to put it off a little longer. What was she going to tell her?

"Girl, you won't believe this, but I met this alien. Lots of aliens, but one is rocking my heart, and the other makes me feel..."

She was not telling her anything like that. She was entangled with Enzo, her leg thrown over his while he held her close in an embrace. The two of them looked so good together she wished she could get a picture to have for when they were no longer together. With that sad thought, she started trying to untangle herself.

"Camire?" His voice was so deep she had to wrestle her libido down and sit on it.

"I need to get up to call my girlfriend. Go back to sleep." She kissed the corner of his mouth before sliding out of bed.

She picked up her phone. Grr, she forgot to charge it last night, but she still had enough battery to make this call. She'd plug it up in the living room while they were talking. Her robe was hanging in the closet; she grabbed it and wrapped it around her body, found her charger, and went into the other room.

It was early on a Saturday morning; maybe Fire would still be in bed.

"Deja, where have you been?" The concern in her high-pitched voice was evident.

"I'm sorry, Safire; I didn't mean to alarm you." The apartment was quiet, and she was lying on the couch. It felt surreal for a minute like none of this was happening.

"You used my whole name; what's wrong?"

"Nothing, something, nothing, maybe everything."

"Well, that told me a lot." She chuckled because Deja sounded like Deja, and that was putting her at ease. "Let's start with your job. How's it going?"

"I love it. I get to meet a lot of different males, and they're all nice to me. You know how when we used to go to bars, and almost all the men surrounded the skinny chicks like they were the superstars? Well, that's the way I feel here. Maybe because I'm the only female, but I think it's more than that."

"Job, check. What's happening with Matt?"

"He tried to have Don abduct me at gunpoint."

"What! Did you call the police? I know a great lawyer. He will rot in jail for years."

"Calm down. A friend of mine was close, and he saved me."


"Please, Fire, I don't want to talk about him right now."

"Fine, I went to your apartment, and the construction crew said you moved out. Where are you staying?"