Page 28 of Enzo

I'd start by putting some clothes on.

The voices in her head could be such smart asses, but clean clothes did sound good. She slipped out of her thong and placed it in her new spot for dirty clothes. She needed a hamper. Going to her suitcase, she pulled out a pair of granny panties, debating whether she should wear them.

Don't you dare!

I'll make your life miserable.

That's a sure-fire way to tell him you're not interested.

It was that last thought that had her balling them up and placing them at the bottom of the suitcase before she took out another thong; this one was red with little black hearts on it. She'd bought it for Valentine's Day even though she wasn't in a relationship at the time. With a smile, she took out the matching bra, just in case.

A pair of shorts, not the respectable kind, but the kind that stopped just a little past her cheeks and a cami. If this outfit didn't scare Enzo away, then he probably liked her body.

The skirt didn't scare him away.

She ignored the voice in her head like every other sane female did and pushed the door to her bedroom open.

She stopped when she was standing in the doorway because Enzo's eyes looked at her, holding her in his grip. A smallfire started behind them when he saw her. His lips pulled up into a smile. Those eyes raked her from head to toe, and they smoldered like he was seeing the most beautiful woman ever.

She preened. It was something she had never done before and didn't know her body could do. But she felt herself as her body changed positions just slightly, showing off all her assets and allowing him to admire her like she was a beauty queen because at that moment she was. His eyes flashed, and she knew that he wanted her again, but not just that. He had that I-want-to-keep-you look.

Her eyes swung to Ven, noting that both were sitting in an armchair on either side of the couch.

Ven was giving her a look too. His blue eyes were warm and glowing as he watched her. His look was just as possessive. He didn't want to let her go either. She knew that look; she'd seen it in her own eyes many times when she thought of her mom.

The voices in her head were saying things she didn't want to hear, so she tuned them out and went to sit on the couch. She chose the middle cushion, perfectly spaced between the two of them.

"What are you doing?" She looked at the television.

"This is a game show. I heard Angel tell some of her friends she liked it. So, I asked Enzo if we could watch it."

She looked at Ven before looking at Enzo. "Is this your first time watching television?"

They both nodded yes, and she sat on her hands because that was the only way she wasn't going to start pulling at her hair.

"Why?" Ven dropped his eyes, so she focused on Enzo.

"If our people came for us, we needed them to understand we hadn't immersed ourselves in a foreign culture."

She nodded like she was buying it. There was more to this, but really, why should Enzo tell her every secret when truthfully, she was hiding a few of her own?

She faced forward and watched television as she started patting the two cushions beside her, cushions that were big enough for Enzo and Ven. They looked at her, wondering if she was serious before they looked at each other. Finally, Enzo moved from the chair to the couch, coming close enough that she could feel his body heat.

Her eyes never looked at Ven as she kept patting the cushion until he hesitantly got up and moved to sit next to her. She leaned over and ruffled Ven's hair, even getting to peck his cheek and give him a one-armed hug before she laid her head on Enzo's arm.

The people on the show were running around with grocery carts, sticking anything they could find in them.

"Do they always run in the stores?" Ven asked, casting her a quick glance.

"Have you ever been to the store?"

He shook his head. "We try to minimize our exposure and contact with the natives."

"We're too big and different looking; they will be able to tell that we are aliens. Although we are bred to fight, there are only a few thousand of us against your weapons and your military. We would fight hard; it would take you years to recover, but in the end, it would be a slaughter."

"When you first came, I think that made sense, but today our males grow over six feet tall, and no one looks at them strangely. I need to show you some basketball games. You would need to control your teeth, but I've been watching, and they don't have to be sharp. Right?"

Ven opened his mouth and showed her two rows of perfectly normal teeth.