Page 19 of Enzo

"Shhh, don't tell anyone. Enzo will be upset and probably won't let me work anymore, and I need the job."

"You're right, camire, Enzo will be very upset. Open the door."

She opened it, took a step into her apartment before passing out in his arms.

Chapter Eight

Deja turned and stretched.She was in heaven; the mattress was so soft she snuggled back into it and let off a little moan of happiness.

She wasn't lying on her mattress. Worse yet, where were all the voices in her head that should be warning her to run fast? They were sound asleep. For once, she didn't know whether to be happy or pissed at the voices. She opened her eyes, knowing she was on her own.

The room she was in had that just recently painted look. The walls were light blue. There was an overhead light but also a smaller light on each nightstand by the bed. The bed was huge, a four-poster king-size bed, with a wood head and footboard. Nice but not Matt nice. He was totally contemporary and gaudy.

That means she didn't get in the car with Don last night. Right? She looked down to find she was still wearing her jeans, although they were unsnapped and unzipped. Her shirt was still on, and her bra, although the back was unhooked, still coveredher breasts. It was like whoever put her here wanted her to be comfortable without invading her privacy.

She sat up in bed. There was a nice rose-colored bedspread that covered her because the air was on in the room. The floors were a nice wood, a little on the dark side with a few blue rugs thrown over them. She saw a closet and a long dresser drawer. It was a nice room.

Getting up, she opened the closet; it was deep, not walk-in but deep enough to make you feel like it was one. Sitting in the closet were suitcases that looked suspiciously like hers. She picked up a small one and placed it on the bed. When she opened it, she was faced with her bras and panties. Nothing seemed touched. She had packed this bag last week, hoping to find an apartment. All the bags she packed were there, as well as a couple of thick black trash bags.

"Are you done sleeping?" Ven whispered/screamed.

She jumped, hearing his voice.


You passed out in Enzo's arms, and you knew Matt wasn't here, or you'd be sticky as hell. That man wouldn't wait.

Thank you, voices in my head. Yeah, she knew almost from the minute she woke up that Enzo had something to do with this, which was why she was exploring instead of looking for her phone to call the police. But the voices in her head could be a little bit nicer to her. She sighed.

"I'm up, Ven."

"Good, are you coming out?"

Yep, she was in yesterday's clothes, bad breath and hair...wait, her hair was natural; it was just a little extra kinky but still cute. Plus one for me. Taking a deep breath, she padded across the floor, opening the door, wondering what she would find. It looked like she was in the living room. It was pretty spacious. Ven was lying draped over a large couch. Unless she missed herguess, he had spent the night there. There were three armchairs and a loveseat, as well as a side table and a coffee table. This room also had overhead lights as well as several well-placed lamps.

"Did you spend the night here?"

He nodded, giving her a lopsided smile. "The boss said I could stay. He wanted to stay, but he thought it was probably better if I stayed."

"Why was that?"

His face flushed. "You were kissing all over him, and he was trying not to kiss you back but failing."

Now her face flushed.

How could we not kiss him with the way he makes us feel?

His kisses make me hot.

Do you remember how it felt when we pressed our breasts against him, and our nipples got so hard?

Mmm, I wanted him to pinch them so badly.

Stop it. You hussies didn't wake me up so I could enjoy it. So, no more talking about it.

"Are you ok?" Ven asked her, looking like maybe he needed to call for help.

"I'm fine. I just don't remember a lot from last night."