"Umm, no, I don't have a car right now, so I'll have to walk. It will take me about ninety minutes. You're the closest shelter to where I used to live and now work."
"You do understand we lock the door at ten and allow late arrivals until eleven."
"Right, I know that your doors shut at eleven."
"Maybe this isn't the shelter for you. I'm sorry we can't meet your needs at this time."
"I agree I should probably go to a different shelter."
That about sums up the phone call she made yesterday when looking for a place to live. She was going to be out on the street until she got her first paycheck. She wouldn't worry about it if she had a car to sleep in, but sleeping on the ground was a bit of a downer.
The knock on her door startled her. Who would come into a construction zone to knock on her door? She stood up and then looked down. No sense in scaring the poor person. She went for her robe that was lying on the back of the rocking chair in her room. There wasn't much in here except her bed, which had seen better days. One tall dresser and a rocking chair. Of course, there was the closet and nothing else. The bedroom was tight, but at least it used to be her home.
She looked out the peephole before saying anything. Whoever was out there was tall. All she could see was a chest.
"Who is it?" She shuffled from foot to foot, nervous that someone was knocking on her door.
"It's Ven."
Well, that clears everything up,her sarcastic voice said.
She hissed at it to be quiet.
"I don't know anyone named Ven. Who sent you?"
"The boss sent me." His voice came out so confidently that she almost questioned herself.
"I don't know any boss." How old was this Ven? "Tell him to leave me alone."
"Okay, but I don't think the boss will be happy. Will you at least take the groceries?"
"Your boss sent me food?"
"Yeah. The boss was mumbling about you. He said that damn fool female probably doesn't even have food in her house. How is she going to eat?"
"What's your boss's name?" She was beginning to get a good picture of his boss. Impossibly tall, green eyes and a killer kisser.
"The boss's name is Enzo." He said it grumpily like the whole world knew the boss was Enzo.
She opened the door, and not even the voices in her head protested. Ven was tall, about seven feet, with the prettiest blue eyes she had ever seen. There was no doubt in her mind that they would glow under the right circumstances. He reminded her of all the males she met yesterday, but his voice, his attitude didn't say grown up.
"Here," he held up several bags.
"Thanks," she gave him a smile and took the food before saying anything. "Tell your boss thank you, but he didn't have to buy me groceries."
"I'll tell him, but he'll probably mumble again."
"Should you be telling me all of this?" She took a step back, testing him.
"Probably not, but I've never seen him like this before, so I want to enjoy it."
"Did you eat, Ven?"
"I had coffee." He looked so darn proud of himself.
"Do you want to come in and eat some of this food?"
"Really? No, wait, I can't come in."