"We're going home, not to a fire. You don't have to drive this fast." She tried to sound reasonable and not like her voice was trembling at the speed they were traveling.
"This isn't fast."
"It is for a car that's not on a racetrack. Slow it down, so the cops don't pull us over." That did the trick; he slowed to a crawl.
For a brief moment, she thought of pulling at her hair, again. Then she ditched the idea and talked Enzo through, bringing his speed up until it matched the other cars on the road. He got them home in one piece. She gave him some pointers that he immediately incorporated, making his driving much better.
"Early one morning, we can get up and take Ven back to the parking lot to start teaching him how to drive." She went to the trunk, opening it to grab a bag of food.
"What are you doing?" Ven asked, coming up behind her.
"Getting a bag to take upstairs." He took it from her arms. "Go open the door. We'll get the food."
Deja looked between Ven and Enzo, then turned to do as he said.
They're going to carry the groceries.
They care about us.
She couldn't remember the last time someone carried anything for her without wanting something in return. In this day and age, she'd simply become used to doing everything for herself. To have Ven and Enzo care enough about her to carry the groceries was a simple thing, yet it made her feel protected, worthwhile.
Her thoughts drifted to Matt. She was going to have to tell Enzo about him soon. He might not want her after he found out the truth.
Chapter Fifteen
"Cole, why can't Imake some of these exotic drinks I keep hearing the customers order?" Deja leaned her hip against the bar and pierced Cole with a direct gaze. It was beginning to make her crazy, the feeling that she was missing something.
"You have another fifteen days to go, and then maybe we can talk about it."
She was beginning to feel like a mouse on a wheel. The world around her was revolving, but time after time she felt like she was missing something that should be as plain as the nose on her face.
She'd spent the last two weeks with Enzo and Ven, falling into a routine that she liked. They worked at night; during the day, she spent time with them. Sometimes she even walked with Ven to see Angel. He promised that he would talk to her soon.
The males in the club treated her with respect, always including her in any conversation they could and teased her whenever the chance arose. If a club could feel like family, then that's how she felt here. So why did she feel uneasy, like she waswaiting for the other shoe to drop? Fire had called her early, making sure their dinner date was still on. They had decided on a nice steak place across the bridge in Waterfront because she knew her guys would appreciate the steaks.
Deja wiped the counter one more time just to give herself something to do.
"Everything ok?" Ven was sitting on a barstool in front of her. Over the last week, he had become tuned into her feelings. Sometimes she teased that he knew what she felt before she knew.
"I'm fine."
"You've been jittery for the last couple of days."
She nodded but didn't answer. They were going to see Fire tomorrow, and still she hadn't told Enzo about Matt, at least not the full tale. If her friend let something slip, her happy household could go up in a puff of smoke.
"You ever have a secret that you kept so long that you’re scared to tell it?"
Ven looked her in the eyes. "Yeah," he stood and went back to his friends.
How she hated secrets; they were the things that would tear her life apart because she was too afraid to tell the truth.
If a secret tears our life apart, then so will the truth.
If you can't tell him the truth, are you building a life?
I never pegged you as someone who couldn't handle being honest about her past.
I never had anything worth losing before.