Page 3 of Enzo

Both he and Enzo took a deep, bracing breath as the female placed her foot on the first step. Life was never going to be the same again.

Chapter Two

It took every bitof nerve, bravery, and everything else she possessed to walk up those steps. Her entire being felt like something or maybe someone was calling her to come closer. Images of that little room and a straitjacket were becoming clearer in her mind. She didn't want to spend the rest of her life locked up. Even so, she couldn't make her feet stop, or her body turn around. She needed a job, especially if she was going to find a place to live. They didn't know it, but they would be hiring her today.

She was standing in front of the double doors. They were wooden with a high polish on them, and they were big. Like giants were behind them, and she should leave now because human females were tasty little morsels for them to eat.

"Get a grip, Deja," she told herself. The different parts of her personality were quiet; this was all her. The other parts of her, which at times she called her odds and ends, were silent, eyes big as they prepared themselves for what was behind the door. She shook her head; her life had too much drama in it.

She leaned against the huge doors; they didn't budge. Finally, she realized they must open outward. That made a weird bit of sense. This way it was easier for the drunk to get out and the sober person would have no problem getting in. With a shrug, she pulled one door open. Although it was a double door, one side was big enough for her to step through.

Leaving the door open behind her, she stepped in. This place reminded her of what she thought a gentlemen's club looked like back in England, maybe the Regency period or something like that. There was a huge wooden bar in one corner. It was polished until it gleamed. The lights weren't bright, but they weren't so dim you couldn't see. On one side of the club was a roaring fireplace with comfortable chairs surrounding it. There was a dance area as well as tables that seated four.

There was also what she considered an intimate seating place where the man and his woman could sit or even two buddies could sit and not be interrupted. She glanced down at the floor to find more wood that was highly polished. Whoever owned this place took care of it and probably made good money. Not that she should be thinking about that, but if they made good money, then maybe they paid well. That would be a plus for her.

"Hello?" she called out. No one was in the bar area, and how was she supposed to get this job if no one showed up.

A door beside the bar opened. She hadn't realized one was there until she caught the movement out of the corner of her eye. Two of the biggest men she’d ever seen came out.

Football players?

That voice was her libido; recently she'd been ready to make a move as long as it was living and male.

Not football players. I think it's illegal for males this big to play sports.

They were tall, big, and wide. Deja felt like a little person the closer the males got to her. Seven feet maybe or close to it. Shewasn't sure; all she knew was she needed a job, and they had a job available.

Let's not forget they are hot.The voice in the cage growled.

She tried to ignore that voice. A simple glance at what she kept hidden in her mind was enough to scare the daylights out of her. Which is why she kept it in a cage; it didn't help that her libido had decided to become the best friend of the voice in the cage. She refused to give it another name because insanity might be real if she ever defined it.

The voice in the cage was growling in her head. Her libido was demanding they get laid. Why couldn't the other parts of her realize without a job there was a real chance they might be sleeping on the street?

Damn, they’re hot. They were both wearing jeans that had that well-worn look to them. The kind that hugged just enough to keep your eyes on their dicks and not on their faces. They were wearing tees; when did a t-shirt start looking this good? If she weren't desperate, she'd try to talk to one of them. Okay, she'd try to talk to that one. The one with green eyes. She groaned; they both had green eyes. The tall one, she thought. Yeah, because maybe there was an inch separating them in height. The one on the left, she thought in desperation, with the bedroom eyes and the kiss-me-now lips. He had muscles for days, and all she wanted to do was touch him. His brown hair was a little long at the temples and shorter in the back but still long enough to hold onto. She bet she could be on top without him accusing her of trying to kill him.

The one on the right was just as good looking, but the one on the left was making her wet. Shit, she needed a job, not a roll in the hay.

Why can't we get both?Yep, she was ignoring that.

"Hi, I saw your help wanted sign and came in to apply for the position."

"You want to be a waitress?" The guy on the right said, forcing her to take her gaze away from his friend.

"No, I don't have any experience, but you said you were willing to train a bartender, and I'm willing to learn. Sounds like a match made in heaven."

Darn it, when would she learn not to say stupid things? It's a wonder she ever landed a job.

"I'm not sure about that position."

No, hell no. She was tired of being rejected. It didn't matter if it was skin color or body size; she wasn't putting up with it anymore.

"So what's your issue? Is my skin too dark or is my body too big? Do your patrons only like women who look like Barbie? Or do they like them with just a little meat on their body but not full-figured like me? Maybe somebody forgot to tell them that black is beautiful. Go ahead, surprise me. Tell me which one you have a problem with or if it is both of them."

Why Deja, why? Do I ask for a lot? Okay, maybe I ask for a lot, but only recently, and then you threaten to lock me in the cage with my friend because you say I can't keep my hands to myself.

For once she felt sorry for her libido. It was unfair to meet someone as hot as this and find out the male was a pig.

It wasn't her libido that was concerning her; it was the voice in the cage. She was practically growling now, rubbing her body against the cage like she was in heat. That feeling she got, like sometimes there was something just a bit different about her, came back.