The door opened, and a male walked in. The new male reminded her of the males in the room, but something about the way he carried himself was different. If only her mind would work properly. He walked up to the bar and looked at her.
Cole shook his head when she started to walk over, so she stayed back.
"I heard you had one of them in here, and I wanted to see if it was true. What are you gonna do, train her to be a breeder? Make her take all of you on? That will kill her. I'm more than willing to kill her for you." The male's eyes were gray; they looked out of place in a club of green-eyed males, and they glowed. He had more of an animal look to him. She'd cross the street if she saw him walking toward her.
"At least you picked a pretty one, dark skin, thick curves." He licked his lips and opened his mouth to show extremely pointed teeth. "I want some of her too."
He's talking about us. Let's kick his ass.
Deja thought that was a good idea. Then the voice in her head passed out, flat on her back. Common sense was telling her to stay put, no matter how offended she was.
"No one touches her, especially you," Cole said, opening his mouth to show his teeth.
"I'm going to do more than touch. I suggest you move back if you want to live. Come on in, boys. Change, Cole, I've been dying to kill you."
He moved back, and his fangs grew longer. His body bent, tore apart, and reshaped along with the males.
Everyone in the bar stood still as if they were waiting for something. Deja was waiting for the right moment to scream and run. She was nobody's hero, and damn it, she wanted to live through this.
Declyn came waltzing out of the office with Enzo by his side.
"Avel, how many years since we've last seen you?" Declyn's voice was calm like there weren't monsters standing in his bar. "You're always welcome to come in for a drink. If you want a fight, take it outside. If you mess up my club, I'm going to have to take it out of your hide." He crossed to stand in front of the bar before jumping up and taking a seat on it. He was right in front of Avel.
Avel reared up and jumped. Declyn threw himself off the bar, his body changing in a split second as he met him in the air. Then everyone changed. She was watching Enzo as he swapped forms.
"No, no, no." Her head shook as she denied what she was seeing. Even Ven changed and was fighting. There were teeth and claws and loud snarls. How could she explain this? They weren't even the sweet little wolves or bears she read about in her romances. No, they were straight-up animals that didn't exist on Earth.
She slipped into the back room and gathered her purse, changed her shoes before coming out and edging her way around the fighting bodies.
You did the right thing, getting out of there.
We can't go back.
They'll kill us now that we know.
We need to go to the authorities.
We can't do that; they will put us in the hospital for the insane.
The voice she let out of the cage simply howled.
It took one good look at her to realize a monster lived inside of her.
Deja just nodded her head to everything they said. They were insane, but now wasn't the time to talk about it. They needed to get home. That's the only place they would be safe. Then she would call Fire and tell her to be careful. She'd also tell her what a good friend she was in case they tried to kill her.
A sigh of relief left her body when she made it out of the club. Things will be fine now, she reassured herself as she walked down the street. She would move to a different city, start over. No one would ever find her.
A car slowed down to a crawl next to her. She reached for her mace, her survival skills telling her she was in trouble.
A chill went down her back. The voice was low and dark. Please no, let Don leave me alone. She looked in the car, feeling a shiver go down her back.
"He wants to see you."
"Tell him to go to hell." She'd never see him again.
"Doesn't work that way. He summons, and you run to him."