She would have argued with him, but his fingers were caressing her slit before they broke through and played with her clit.
“Hell to the yes,” she screamed.
His hips punched forward, his cock invading her pussy, opening her wide as he dove in deep. His teeth at the same time broke her skin, going in deep. Tia screamed at the dual entry. It wasn’t in pain, but in shock at the pleasure that was filling her.
She never wanted it to end. The thrust of his hips that were in time with hers. The way he pushed his cock deeper into her making her writhe with need and then the feel of his mouth pulling on her vein. Was she seeing colors exploding in the sky, or was it her imagination?
He turned over until Tia was riding him. His teeth came out, and he licked the wound before he bit his wrist and placed it in front of her mouth. She leaned over and lapped up his blood. It wasn’t the rich iron taste she was expecting. His blood tasted like the finest champagne she could ever imagine drinking. It ran through her like the finest aphrodisiac. It was like when you asked for the good drugs.
Tia kept riding him as she felt her nipples tighten to the point of pain and her pussy clutch his cock tighter and tighter, as if it were trying to choke him and never let go at the same time. Her pussy was on fire, and she felt the flames growing as she left the Earth and climbed into the heavens.
Were the angels singing for them? She was sure she could hear the holy choir.
“Tieran!” It was a cry as her body started to spasm.
“I got you. Come with me.” Together they rose the rollercoaster of release that took them so far up and then dropped them without a lifejacket, only to take them back up into the throes of passion again. It happened continually until the kick of his balls and the clenching of her pussy finally gave way to tiredness.
Tia dropped against his chest, unable to open her eyes or lift her head. She could hear his heart beating. It took some time, but she realized her heart was in perfect sync with his. That’s how she knew that two halves had become whole.
Chapter Five
Tia wiggled in hersleep, trying to get a bit more comfortable in the arms that were holding her. She loved the feel of being held by Tieran. All she wanted to do was sleep until the sun came up and then open her eyes and meet his navy-blue eyes.
The sound of a door closing interrupted her sleep and then another door closing and then before she realized it, it was one door after another that continued to close, irritating her. All I wanted to do was sleep," she complained. The sound of her voice made her think she was awake, maybe? Tia wasn’t in bed anymore and Tieran wasn’t by her side. She was standing in a long hallway where she couldn’t see where it began or ended. There was nothing but doors on each side, and they were opening and closing.
Was this a dream? It must be, but it was such a weird dream that she wasn’t sure what to do with it. Why am I dreaming when all I want to do is snuggle close to the man who just rocked my world?
“Look, I think she’s awake.” The voice was androgynous. It didn’t give her male or female. That made her shiver because that’s not what she usually heard when she listened to different voices.
“She is, and remember, I want to get to meet her. As well as get to know her.” This voice was definitely male. It was deep, and it had a cadence she was familiar with. If she didn’t know better, she would say that she knew who was speaking. But this was a dream, and she obviously had no idea what was going on.
“Hurry dear,” the first voice said. “It’s not like we have all night.”
The male voice chuckled. “You have a journey in front of you before the sun comes up.”
Tia wondered if she closed her eyes and she prayed hard, could she just go back to sleep and ignore this interlude in her life?
There was laughter from the androgynous voice. “Oh, dear, you’re one of mine. That’s not going to happen.”
“I’m what?” The only person who could claim her was her mother. Heck, she wouldn’t even let the mysterious I h and ran father reclaim her. There was more laughter as she started walking down the dream hallway.
She pulled her blue bathrobe around her waist and tied the sash tighter. Wasn’t it nice of her imagination to provide her with clothes? Jeans and a tee would have been better, but beggars and all.
Since she was naked when she went to sleep, she had to agree with her previous thoughts that this was a dream.
“Dear,” the androgynous voice said. Maybe you’re having an out-of-body experience.”
“Don’t mess with her,” the deep voice said, calling the other voice a name, but there was no way she could decipher it.
“Why am I here? Who are you and what do you want? This dream was frustrating her.
“We want you to find us because if you can’t, this endeavor will blow up in all our faces.”
This wasn’t funny. Tia wanted to stomp her feet. Instead, she started walking down the hallway. Each time she reached for a door, she felt coldness come from it and something in the back of her mind told her don’t touch. So, she kept walking. It felt like she walked miles and that it should be day by now. Finally, she came to a door that was unassuming and easily overlooked. It differed from the rest of the doors and when she reached for the knob, heat emanated from it.
She stopped and took a better look at all the doors she hadn’t paid attention to when she first got here. She had desperately wanted to be anywhere but here. That was a lie. She wanted to be with Tieran. The hallway was dark. It was lit like there was a night light giving you just enough light to get up in the middle of the night and stumble your way to the bathroom or the kitchen for a drink.
The doors were all tall; they were massive now that she looked at them and they were all white, the nightlight effect in the hall allowing her to see them more as shadows than anything else. Tia could barely see the door. She was standing in front of it. If it wasn’t from the heat coming from it, she wouldn’t even have known it was there. She would have walked past it without realizing. Turning, she scanned the doors on the other side to find the same thing and she knew that this was the only door that was going to lead her to where she needed to be.