Page 74 of Battle Fluke

“We can’t,” Kyree started, her voice losing its gumption and vanishing into the water surrounding them. “Nylah found Soulara. And I know where she is.”

“What?” Honour sped into Kyree’s space and took Kyree’s breath away.

“She’s sent me another message through the animals.” Kyree swallowed the lump in her throat. “Through the soul stone. Soulara and Autumn have found a way to help us locate them, and where the humans will be. They’re planning to attack full force and wipe out our entire world.”

“Sh-she’s still okay?” For a moment, the anger and fury that raged in Honour’s face slid away to reveal relief and emotion raw and real. And then just as quickly the mask of the general slid back in place.

The sight was worse than the anger and rage, and the empty mask couldn’t hide the whirlpool of horrors swirling in her eyes.

“We can save her,” Hudson spoke up from beside Kyree. Kyree reached out and tangled her fingers with Hudson’s, squeezing them in thanks.

Hudson tightened her grip in response.

“There aren’t any troops available for a rescue mission.” Honour’s voice had a hardness Kyree hadn’t seen before. She followed Honour’s gaze as it locked onto her and Hudson’s gripped hands.

Instinctively, Kyree loosened her grip, feeling Hudson’s fingers slip away.


Catching Hudson’s fingers before they fully disengaged, Kyree gripped on tighter and raised their joined hands, watching as Honour’s eyes lifted with them.

Honour blinked and met Kyree’s eyes.

“Yes. Us.” Kyree’s chest filled with pride as her voice came out hard and steady. “We are an us. But we want you to be part of that, too.”

“It’s hardly the time—”

“Let her finish what she has to say, General.” Zendalia swam up beside Honour and brushed her shoulder gentlyagainst Honour’s before floating perfectly at attention beside her General.

Honour moved her eyes to glance sideways at Zendalia before returning her gaze. Her eyes flicked to Kyree, then Hudson, before landing back on Kyree.

“What does you wanting me have anything to do with Soulara?” Honour’s jaw tightened, the muscles bulging to the sides in her anger.

“It has everything to do with her,” Hudson said before Kyree could stop her. “Come on, what the hell do you think we’re doing here?”

“I’m not sure.” Honour’s lips were thin again, and her stare impenetrable.

Except… was Kyree mistaken or did Honour’s voice actually shake as she spoke? Was there an undercurrent of something else? Something she was trying to hide?

“Let us prove that what matters to you matters to us,” Kyree said softer, hoping that the vulnerability in her words would make some sort of dent in Honour’s thick skull.

“Why?” There was a definite crack in Honour’s voice this time.

“Becauseyoumatter to us. More than anything else ever could.” Kyree drew closer to Honour, dragging Hudson with her by their interlocked hands.

“You don’t need me.” Honour coughed a little as she spoke, as though clearing her throat of any emotion that had gotten in her way. “We’re at war, and I’m needed to lead my troops to victory.”

“No shit.” Hudson chuckled, but the kindness in her tone helped ease some of the tension that was knotting up Kyree’s muscles.

“I-I don’t understand. Which shouldn’t surprise you. I’m better as just the brawn anyway.” Honour dropped her gaze,refusing to look at either of them. It was some sort of self-consciousness that stole over her, and Kyree hated seeing it.

“Stop it. You know you’re so much more than that. You always have been.” Kyree reached up with her free hand and stroked Honour’s face.

“Um.” Zendalia made a small coughing sound, and all three of them turned to look at her.

A beat of silence flowed between Zendalia and the trio.

“General, very good.” Zendalia spoke loud enough to ensure the troops who were mingling and jostling each other farther ahead of them were sure to hear. “I’ll move our troops on to the gate while you help coordinate the new information.”