Page 32 of Battle Fluke

“Swim.” She didn’t know if it was Honour or Hudson. Perhaps it was both, but the word wouldn’t force her tail into movement or her arms out of their paralysis.

“Kyree!” Honour screamed as she pushed herself faster—faster than Kyree had ever seen her swim.

“Now!” Hudson yelled as Honour’s fingers wrapped around Kyree’s wrist.

In an unexpectedly beautiful movement, Honour’s body bent in half, her direction shifting from Kyree directly up toward the lighter water.

Kyree was pulled along behind, a force she couldn't have stopped if she tried. But she didn’t want to try. She gave no resistance as Honour pulled her away from the danger. She used what little movement she could with her fluke to help, but she thrashed her head around, looking for Hudson.

Where is she?

Another metallic beast rose up beside her, a scream strangled out of her throat.

Before her body froze up once more, Hudson’s arms were around her, pulling her away from the man-made kraken.

Honour’s fingers released her wrist before she dove forward, slamming herself into a tentacle that had reached out to grab a hold of Kyree. Hudson pushed Kyree behind her as she joined Honour in attacking and defending them against the flailing silver limbs.

Kyree’s chest rose too fast and hard as she watched.

“No.” She squeaked out as a tentacle collided with Hudson’s gut. A grunt escaped Hudson, but Honour was there, pulling Hudson away and turning her back toward the next blow. Honour’s body arched, a scream ripping from her throat as the metal hit her in the back.

“Fuckers!” Hudson roared, and the two of them turned back toward the beast. Their bodies already showed evidence of the fight, skin blooming in bruise-colored patches, trickles and smears of blood making Kyree’s heart leap and breath catch.

“Let’s show them how it’s done.” Honour roared, and Kyree held no doubts as to how this beautiful woman became a leader in the ranks of the royal warriors.

“Come on, then.” Hudson laughed, threw her head back and moved forward beside Honour.

Kyree ducked behind an outcrop of coral but couldn’t drag her eyes away from them as they attacked, ruthless and unstopping until the thing was more torn metal and missing parts than it had ever been a creature of their sea.

Honour and Hudson turned to each other, all wild eyes and big smiles as they let the thing float, heavy and useless, away from them.

Kyree’s heart continued to jump in her chest. But there was something new in the sensation. An electricity that fired her blood and pooled arousal beneath her slit. Her clit hummed and throbbed, and she caught her breath as they turned toward her as one again and met her eyes.

“Are they all gone?” Her words came out so hushed and frail. She would have rolled her eyes at herself if she hadn’t been so overwhelmed by the mix of emotions that filled and confused her.

“These three are, yes.” Honour pulled forward and wrapped her arms around Kyree. The sensation was surprising butappreciated. Kyree rested her head on Honour’s shoulder, and her tail around the end of Honour’s own.

“We need to get out of here, though.” Hudson was behind Kyree. When had she moved there, and why did it cause another flood of arousal to rush through her body?

“What about your men?” Honour asked.

“They are taking the wounded to a new camp. They know what to do next.”

“Hmm.” Honour almost looked as though she approved of Hudson’s words.

Kyree had no idea what it all meant in a strategic way, but the dynamic of the two women intrigued her more and more with every moment.

“Where can we go?” Kyree asked. “I don’t want to go back to Reine. Not when Nylah is still somewhere out here.”

“We’ll find a camp,” Honour replied. “We need to assess our injuries anyway.”

Relief washed over Kyree as Honour stopped herself from arguing about her determination to find Nylah. She didn’t think she could take another argument. Not right now, and definitely not with Honour.

“Let’s go then.” Hudson’s wide grin was back, and the laughter in her words caused all manner of flips in Kyree’s stomach.

They traveled in silence, Hudson on one side of Kyree and Honour on the other.

Kyree couldn’t remember the last time she felt so calm and safe. She was being protected by these warriors who were so similar it was no wonder they clashed and fought against each other.