I should’ve given him more of a chance and realised that not everyone is a prick.Well, most people are, in my experience, but there are a few who restore my faith in humanity.
Maybe Quin could be one of them.
I need to see him and rectify this.
With karma and all that shit, I need to be in the universes good books. I’ve been a good person all these years, despite the trauma and loss I’ve faced, and I’m not lettingthismake me break my good streak. Karma is not making me her bitch over a misunderstanding with a guy.Nope. Not on my watch.
After speaking to Edward, it’s clear that Quin was actually telling me the truth. What are the odds?!
Either that, or him and Edward are extremely good at acting. Or perhaps it’s some sort of folie à deux.
I open my laptop to find a few email notifications.
I read the first one in my inbox and my heart aches. It’s from Quin. I immediately reply.
Re:Please read
Thanks so much for emailing, I really appreciate it.
I’ll be at Cosy Corner Coffee tonight from 6pm. We can chat in person if you come along. I’d love a chance to prove I’m a better human being than I’ve let on so far.
Your mum sounds wise. Never leave on an argument.
Hopefully see you soon.
Callista Harper MSc
PhD mechanical engineering student
Lived experience practitioner
I walk into Cosy Corner Coffee, where I always get my cosy drink fix, at 6pm. I decided to come here to make an excuse for Quin to see me after our misunderstanding today. Not that I expect him to meet me with such short notice.Again, wishful thinking.
After waving to Lilah, the coffee shops incredible, not to mention, gorgeous owner, I walk to my usual spot at the back, tucked away nicely, because that’s the kind of introvert I am. This place is rustic, simple and cosy, which basically describes Cosy Corner Coffee up perfectly.
It’s my favourite place to be. Lilah offered me a wink and pointed discretely towards my usual little nook.
I was confused momentarily until I approach my seat; A set of two comfortable armchairs surrounding a small oak coffee table, positioned in front of a bookshelf.
One chair occupied by Quin.
I actually cannot believe it. He’s actually here. Plus, he’s sat at my favourite table, as if he knew. He stands and looks at me, hands in his pockets with a sorry smile on his face.
“Thank you for giving me a chance to talk in person again, away from campus. I hope this seat’s ok”. He looks insanely gorgeous in the warm light of the late-night coffee shop. I’m surrounded by my favourite smells and now get to experience that whilstlooking at a new favourite sight.
I walk towards him and close the distance between us. He’s standing tall and broad, with a confident stance.
“No, thankyoufor turning up, even when I spoke to you like shit earlier. I’m really sorry about that. It’s just a response to protect myself. I’m just so glad you decided to turn up. I didn’t expect you to” I sigh “Oh, and this is the best seat in the house. It’s my favourite spot” I say with a smile, trying to brighten up my tone. “You chose well”. I’ve had enough of feeling shitty. It’s good for no one.
“Well, things aside, let’s sit down and get comfortable” he says, smoothing his hand down my arm towards the chair. “I got us both drinks, but if you aren’t feeling it, I can get you something else. I just remembered what you were drinking on New Year’s and took a chance, minus the spiced rum. I got it with oat milk too. I hope that’s ok. I didn’t want to take any chances with milk choice”. He says scratching his head and looking to down with a brief hushed laugh.
My insides are melting at how sweet that is. He bought me a drink, remembered what I was drinking last time, and managed to make it vegan without even knowing.
“You really did not have to do that. I should be the one trying to winyouover… but thank you so much. It’s perfect. I’m vegan, so oat milk was a good call”. His confident smile grows wider and his eyebrow lifts.