“10…9…8…7…” You know the rest.
I don’t know what comes over me, but when everyone shouts, “Happy New Year!”, Lista and I seem to be facing each other, smiling. I learn forward towards her, not sure if we’re about to hug. I take her waist. She lifts her hands around my shoulders and links her fingers behind my head… and our lips meet. We kiss.
Her lips are warm and soft, a contrast to the crisp freezing air surrounding us. It feels like a welcome home kiss. The best kiss of my life, and yet it’s so brief.
I still feel it when we pull away from each other. Her eyes beautiful. Her smile wide, and her cheeks pink.
The fuzzy feeling in my body is something I’ve never felt before. She takes a piece of paper out of her pocket and puts it into my hand. I smile. She tip-toes up to meet my ear.
“My phone number is on that paper. Text me if you like, but no pressure. Thank you for a great evening” She whispers, following it with a kiss to my neck.I get shivers down my spine.
Little does she know.She pulls away to look at me. I open her hands and place a piece of paper in hers. I lean down towards her, kiss her neck and whisper “Same wavelength”.
Playlist:Down bad– Taylor swift
It’s been two weeks, and I’m still wishing I was back in The Lake District. The crunch of snow beneath my feet. The crisp air kissing the skin on my face.
And other things I’d rather not think too deeply about since I’ve been led on just to be let downagain.
I’ve clearly been ghosted.Again.It fucking sucks.
I can’t say I expected him to actually show interest in me romantically, or even at all for that matter.
I’m the friend who’s always second best.
Always the bridesmaid, never the brideis the phrase, if I’m correct.
I’m the short, nerdy one who hangs around with guys. I’m not exactly the conventionally beautiful type that people fantasize about.
Plus, I’m pretty sure he paid some attention to my leg, which isoften the deal breaker for potential romance.
My leg is well and truly my personal cock block.Thanks a lot leg. No, I’m just kidding, you’re perfect.And believe me, it doesn’t impact my…bedroom abilities.Wink wink.
I spend most of my days studying and working. Doing a full-time PhD is anything but glamorous.
I’m on campus most of the week surrounded by dudes, and my main fashion staple is dungarees and doc martens.
The only time I escape the norm is when I’m working as a lived experience practitioner across various departments. So, I’m a student and an associate with the uni.
Odd to be honest, but it keeps me on my toes (real and prosthetic). And keeps my pockets lined.
I may as well live here. I can’t complain though. The consistency keeps me from having to deal with too much change and travel.
I struggle in those aspects, so being in one place helps.
My other venture is my part time freelance mechanical engineer job, and currently I’m doing a biomechanical research project, so I’m getting as much experience as possible by looking for bioengineers to shadow, particularly those working in the development of prosthetics.
I may have even pestered my prosthetist enough for him to let me shadow him every once in a while.
You’re probably thinking, Lista how do you juggle it all?
The answer is, I have no choice. I own my own apartment, alone, and have done since I left the care system at seventeen, so the bills need paying. Simple. My aunt does still help me when I need an extra pair of hands, or legs, but after what life has thrown at me, I like to prove to myself I can be independent and reliable. So I like working hard.