Somehow I feel like it eased the tension and made us get along better and quicker. Now he’s someone I genuinely look forward to seeing every day.
This might actually be a good thing for me. Being around like-minded people, doing something other than working.
I don’t go out often, as my friends live in different cities, other than Edward. We do the odd catch up, holiday and game night, but other than that my social life is pretty uneventful, so I decide to go for it.
“You know what, yeah, I’ll be there. Text me the time and location”.
He pats me on the back.
“Glad to hear it. I’ve told my mates all about you and your handsome face. I’ve even got a single friend” he says, winking, and then continues. “I’ll text you later”.
He walks away, jolly as ever, whilst I’m here questioning why I agreed to go out, when I could just be home with my cat andavoid the pressures of socialising.
I’m not sure why the social gods have decided I need human interaction outside of lectures today, but after lunch professor Peters comes into my office to ask me about my advisor role.
“Quin, could you take on one more student on an advisory basis please. Do you have room in your schedule?”.
“Sure, I’m happy to help. Who do you need me to work with and what on? If you can pass on their contact details, I’ll reach out and plan a schedule with them”, I say before even taking time to consider much. Still half mentally spiralling about Olivers invitation.
“Well, you already have their contact details. It’s Callista Harper, PhD mechanical engineering student. She needs an advisor for her research and work on biomechanical engineering. Your work will require regular meetings advising her and ensuring her research project is at the level it should be. Please contact Miss Harper when convenient. And Quin, thank you for this. I know you’re already taking on a lot”. It’s nice for someone to recognise the work I put in for once.
I nod, dismissing Professor Peters from my office, wishing I’d have known who the student was prior to agreeing to it.
Well, this is going to be interesting.
I clock out and head out of the campus building, into the car park. I’m actually looking forward to doing something differentfor once now that the initial panic has subsided.
Game night sounds good. A way to release some tension, occupy my mind, and think about something other than work… and a certain someone.
It’s Friday too, so I’m thankful I don’t have to be on campus for the next two days.
I’m getting sick of advances being made by some of the first-year undergrads.
I say first years, but the older students seem to be doing the same too, despite them knowing better.
I’m apparently grumpy, strict, expect too much and yet I’m apparently…hot. Which is exactly what almost got me into trouble last time. I’m not here to be looked at. I’m a tutor to be listened to. I’m here to teach and better the knowledge and practise of students.
The world needs professional, knowledgeable, respectful professionals and I’m here to make that happen.
It’s just fucking difficult when my age and appearance seem to be playing against me. I never thought I’d dislike being in my early thirties, or being described as hot, but this whole situation has given me good enough reason to be pissed. I’m pulled out of my thoughts by Lista. She’s in the car park at the passenger side of her car putting her bag and coat inside. She has black dungarees on, with a cream-coloured top underneath, accompanied by black doc martens. Her hair is tied up in a messy bun with tendrils of dark hair falling around her neck and ears.
I feel bad for looking, but I can’t help appreciating her.
That’s when I notice Pierce; A tutor from my department approaching her car behind her. My body’s defence mechanisms arise from nowhere suddenly. I decide against calling out Lista’s name and head over to my car. My eyes never leaving her.
Pierce startles her and she looks visibly shaken. Her hand shooting to her chest.
She seems to relax slightly when she turns around. She must know him. My nerves start to dissipate but I still feel on edge for some reason.
I get into my car and sit for a moment, organising my things into the passenger seat at a leisurely pace so
I can make sure Lista leaves safely.
I’m no psychologist, but Lista looks reserved based on her body language.
Pierce seems to be closer than she’d like, and she shakes her head a lot in response to what he’s saying.
I would be less concerned if this was the first time I’ve seen a woman in Pierces presence who appeared uncomfortable. But it’s not. I have in fact witnessed Pierce seemingly causing women to feel confined and irritated on a number of occasions. She eventually walks away, around to the driver’s side of her car. Pierce follows her and holds his hands out from his sides as if asking“why”to her.