I tried to catch my breath as he moved to stand. He winced, which drew my attention immediately. I pulled him close, tucking his body into me. He patted my chest as if to placate me.

“Don't worry. Just forgot how rough tile is on the knees.”

I nipped at him, clacking my teeth together in a way that said I didn't want to hear about him with other men. Because really I didn't. I wasn't the type to be super jealous of past lovers. I didn't really care who my partner had been with before me, so long as they were faithful.

With my husband, I cared.

I wanted to be the only man in his life, the only person that he saw fit to reference in his memory. It was a foolish idea, but I still held strong to it.

He laughed, throwing back his head. “Okay, I get it, you caveman. No talk of anyone else. Just for the record, I could have been talking about cleaning out my bathtub or scrubbing my kitchen floors. Your dirty mind just assumed I was talking about being on my knees for sex.”

At my shocked expression of being duped, he laughed even harder. I soaked up the sound, happy and content with how life had gone, with how peaceful things seemed. I should have known it wouldn't last forever. Life had already shown me once how, when you let your guard down, shit went sideways.



I rememberedas a kid being curious about what marriage was. I saw all these adults who got together and were happy living their lives and building families. It was magical, which meant I wanted to be just like them.

As I got older, I saw past the initial thrill of it. I saw that it was hard work, that often people didn't align the way they thought they might. People had arguments over everything from money to how to raise their children. Sometimes it would lead to them splitting up for a period of time. Maybe getting back together eventually. Other times they got divorced. It was terrifying seeing my friends go through that with their parents — homes being separated and hearts being shattered.

I felt a little less excited about the prospect of it for a while.

Then I got married myself. Maybe I was back to being that whimsical kid again because for as much as I knew it wasn't a perfect situation, I still felt good about the future for me and Takeshi. I had hopes for us, dreams that involved a future where none of this was questioned in its authenticity. People wouldn't see us and immediately remember that we had gotten married because I needed him, and he needed me. They would see a couple in love and happy to be together.

That was my dream.

I knew if Josiah could see me now he would be questioning things. I haven't had time to go visit him since moving out. Part of it was my schedule around the NightShade guys and making sure Takeshi got home and fed.

The rest was due to Josiah’s work schedule. He’d been spending long hours in the office. His boss was a righteous asshole before, but now even more so.

When I asked him about it last time we talked, he told me there was a promotion on the horizon for him so long as he could hold out. I was happy for him, I guess. It's what he always wanted. I just felt like maybe it wouldn't be worth it in the end. Working all those hours and not having any downtime couldn't be good for anyone.

Speaking of downtime, mine was often spent at the NightShade offices these days. We were here from early morning to late in the evening. I'd become accustomed to roaming the halls to keep myself busy while they went over a number of logistics, and my husband listened in closely. Occasionally, he would get their attention to add in a detail they missed.

I didn't have anything to offer them since we hadn’t started the ASL lessons yet. Takeshi and I were still doing our private sessions. There were just more pressing matters at hand.

I rounded the corner to return to the office. My latest lap proved there was no one else around to speak with. Even Jared had gone home for the evening. I took my spot beside Takeshi, then leaned my head on his shoulder as I listened to Memphis speak to the group.

“I finally finished the false identities for the next mission. Based on what I know at this current time, we need to get this uploaded to a server ASAP to give Ajax time to review the profiles. He likes to have what is essentially a tip line of people who say they can get more bodies for him.”

I frowned at that. “So he's got a network of people kidnapping kids for him?”

Memphis winced. “Seems that way. I'm not going to be able to track all of them, but thanks to their need to brag about their exploits, some of them have badges on the site that show they've been there for quite a while. It also lists how many children they've brought in.”

“It says that explicitly?”

He shook his head. “No, however, if you've been around long enough, you know what these codes mean to these guys.”

I sat back in my chair, not wanting to distract anyone from the operation. Takeshi ran his fingers through my short hair, calming me instantly with his touch.

Memphis started up again once he realized I’d finished probing. “As I was saying, it's best if I put the information out there and make it seem as if I can get these children under my thumb. I have to make it believable yet not too cocky.”

Cohen snorted. “Shouldn't be too hard for you then, should it?”

A few of the guys laughed with the joke. Memphis flipped him off, then loaded the images on screen. I stared at them in awe. They looked so real.

“Because they are,” Memphis said. I hadn't realized I said the thought aloud. He continued, “I used composites of multiple children. The eyes are the same colors, but they're from two different people. The lips are different. It's all been enhanced and brightened within an inch of its life. He would never find who they really were based off the images since no singular person looked this way. But it is just within what they like to know that they'll want more.”