When I showed him the message, he laughed. “I think we are. I don't know what it means that a relationship intended to get me citizenship turns out to be the best one of my life, but I'm not going to ignore the obvious.”
I raised my brow in question. He waved a hand between us.
“You can't tell me you don't feel this, this connection that we have, this well of desire I can't seem to shake when you're around.”
I shook my head at him, then kissed his lips gently. I knew exactly what he meant. It was, for lack of a better word, perfect. It was balanced.
Being with him wasn't an inconvenience in any way. It wasn't a hardship.
I also could barely believe that a relationship that was originally intended to save us both had so quickly turned into something more.
Of course, I wouldn't let the guys know that right away. They’d give me shit about it from now into eternity.
Didn’t much matter though. They would figure it out soon enough. I had no doubt in those observant assholes.
Archie leaned forward, pressing his face into my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and held him close. There was no rush for anything, no need for one of us to get up and head out the door. We could simply be together.
It's part of why we worked so well already. Even in my silence, I felt full of life when he was around. I didn't care that it took a little longer to communicate with him. For that, we had to take time to find workarounds for certain things others took for granted.
Every minute with my husband was worth it.
Archie hummed against my skin. “I would never wish you to be hurt, but I can't say that I hate the position we're in now. I don't know that I would have ever found you otherwise.”
I understood where he was coming from. I had already been through the same dilemma. My injury and the recovery afterwards have never been anything I’d consider a ‘blessing’ in my life. It's one of the most painful things I've ever been through.
But I survived.
I survived, and I pushed through and now I have him. Somehow it made it all worth it. We were new, far too new to be thinking things like that.
Tell that to my heart, though.
The damn thing didn't care.
Time wasn't a factor in how I felt.
We laidin bed together for a while, simply basking in the post sex haze. It was only when I felt the stickiness of our release between us that I realized we should probably get up and shower. There was no getting this off with how long we waited.
When we pulled apart, there was a horrible squelching noise. Archie looked down, then stuttered out a laugh at the way his cum had latched on to both of our bodies.
I chuckled as well, not just for his amusement, but for the entire situation. Leading him into the shower, I made sure to get the water warm before we stepped into the stall.
Together we worked slowly and methodically to clean one another. It was almost like an extension of our time together in bed. I trailed my fingers over his body, exploring his smaller frame. He let me, his eyes taking in each movement I made.
As it came time for me to get clean, he returned the favor, making sure to rub down every single crevice he could, leaving nothing behind. When he was on his knees, he looked up at me, a smirk on his face.
“How could I know if it's clean if I don't test it out?”
That's the only thing he said before his mouth wrapped around my cock, and he went about blowing my mind. I fought to gain traction against the slippery walls as pleasure raced through me.
My husband was on a mission, that much was clear. He wasn't trying to tease me or draw it out like I had. Archie wanted me to come.
And withinsecondsI did.
It was the fastest blowjob I'd ever experienced. Maybe even in the history of the universe. I don't know. I figured that wasn't something you could really keep track of.
But damn it, it was still as hot as ever.
My brain was too out of it to make sense of my strange thoughts.