We didn’t pass anyone else on our way out. A blessing if you asked me. I was far too worked up after having to watch Takeshi’s hands bend and flex for the last couple of hours. All I could do was think of what they’d feel like against me. Or better yet, inside me.
Jared was on a call as we passed. He waved at us, motioning to me that he’d text when he got a second. We’d exchanged numbers when I’d left to grab some food earlier in the day. I figured it wouldn’t hurt being in touch with my husband’s coworkers. Especially the ones he saw daily, and who I would now see often.
Getting home took forever.The traffic this time of day was worse than it had been, no thanks to a stalled car and a faulty stoplight at a busy intersection.
Even with the inconvenience, I couldn’t help but smile as we pulled in. This place had grown on me so much in the short time since I’d arrived.
While I’d always thought it was beautiful, I could admit I didn’t feel all that welcome or knew where my place would be in the business version of my marriage. It only took one kiss to change everything.
“You want to watch a movie?” I asked as we slipped off our shoes inside the door.
He shook his head.
“Ok. What about dinner? I could get started on something.”
Again, he told me no.
“Then what do you want to do, Takeshi? I’m all yours.”
At my words, his calm demeanor shifted into something more. He was a man on the edge, just waiting for permission to take what he wanted.
I was wrapped in his arms in the blink of an eye. Then his lips were on mine, his body pressing mine into something hard.
A wall?Yeah, it had to be a wall.
My brain had gone offline the second he touched me, taking away all my basic thoughts as pleasure descended on me.
“Takeshi,” I gasped as his mouth moved down the side of my neck.
Shifting my hips forward, I searched for some level of friction. I needed more from him. I needed our clothes off, and his body inside mine.
Right. This. Minute.
I begged, “Please!”
In the next second, I was lifted off the ground. My arms and legs wrapped around him, careful to hold on tight as he sped through the house toward the bedroom.
As soon as we crossed the threshold, he ripped his shirt away. My shirt followed, then we were panting as we tugged at the rest of our clothing. It flew around the space, landing in all different directions.
Neither of us cared. The only thing that mattered was our connection.
I groaned when his mouth latched onto my neck. He bit softly, then sucked on the skin there. I knew it would leave a mark, and I reveled in knowing others would see how taken I was.
Sure, I had a gold band on my finger that spoke of marriage. But people still cheated with wedding rings on.
A mark like this — a hickey — would prove I didn’t need the attention of any other man or woman. I had all the attention I needed right here.
Later, I’d have to think through how possessive I felt over his markings. I couldn’t focus on it when his cock was pressed against mine, when his body was wrapped around me like he couldn’t get close enough.
He moved me towards the bed, steps sure. His kisses were still frenzied, each one dragging me deeper into the depths of desire I felt sweeping through me.
“Need you,” I moaned when he lifted me onto the mattress.
I crawled backwards until I felt pillows behind me. Takeshi moved over me, his muscles rolling as he set his sights on getting to me.
Hands roamed and kisses intensified as he prepped me to take him. I whimpered and begged, pleading for him to“hurry up and fuck me, please or else.”
His shoulders shook from silent laughter. My threats didn’t scare him. If anything, they made him drag out the teasing longer. He edged me for what felt like an eternity.