Fabian stood close by in case I needed his help out of bed. I only wobbled a small amount before finding my balance. My weakened state was the more frustrating effect of the injury. I was far too used to taking care of myself that having Fabian as my full-time aid was demoralizing. I constantly struggled with accepting his help since my brain believed I could do it.
My body wasn’t of the same belief.
“You look to be in tip-top shape today, Shi. Let’s see what Cohen snagged for you.” Fabian led me across the room to the small dining table with a to-go container and cup on top of it.
After I eased into the chair, he left me alone to eat whatever my friend had brought. While I knew he wanted to stay to watch over me, I’d told him it was a hard limit.
The constant staring, the worry that would be etched on his face, was far too distracting to focus on the method I needed to use to get the food down. While I could probably eat a bit more normal now, I still kept a close eye on how my body did in case some other issue popped up.
Cohen had grabbed me a parfait with some soft fruits on the side. I also had a matcha smoothie that I was sure had some blend of superfood healing tonic Memphis had told him would help me.
I ate and drank slowly, cautious of how my body reacted to what I was giving it. Though I’d kept to eating things that were easy going down, I would still occasionally feel the tension that came with doing too much too fast. I preferred to avoid the uncomfortable sensation whenever possible.
After I finished, I noticed Fabian still wasn’t back yet. I wasn’t sure what kept him away, but I wasn’t going to deny being curious.
The guys had told me staying at the NightShade offices was for my own benefit. We’d suited up a room when Godric got hurt all those months ago. Since then, it had been used by him and Cohen, Damari, and now me. While convenient for them to keep an eye on me, it also meant I felt decidedly singled out.
Knowing I would likely only have this one chance, I stood and quietly went down the hall towards the main room where our desks were set up. There was no one around, adding to the stealthy situation. It wasn’t usually a busy floor most days. Still, I felt like I was trying to channel my inner James Bond with the way I hugged the wall and tiptoed down the hall.
Clad in pajamas, I was sure to be a hilarious sight for any guys watching the security monitors. I could only hope they wouldn’t tip the rest of the crew off before I managed to listen in a bit.
As I leaned around the doorway, Tank’s harsh voice rang out. “Alright, men. Tonight is the night. We have a solid plan in place. We are a go for the targets. This is a kill mission considering the red tape that comes with persecution. The victims need to be secured and brought back to HQ for our guys in law enforcement to handle. Am I clear?”
A chorus of agreement went up, followed quickly by Ronan’s barked orders to the team. Still tucked away near the door, Tank missed me as he stepped from the room. His phone was pressed to his ear, which meant he didn’t see me from my hiding spot.
“Now isn’t a good time,” he mumbled into the device.
Someone on the other end replied. Whatever they said had his shoulders dropping.
In the softest voice I’ve ever heard, he said, “Soon. I miss you too.”
My jaw nearly hit the floor.
Tank had a lover.
Because for as much as he was all in our business, we were in his. Yet no one had mentioned him having a partner. It had been years since he dated anyone seriously. The man had people in his bed, sure, but none worth letting into his work life.
“I know, but we’ve got a mission soon. I can meet you tomorrow for breakfast. Our place?”
There was a hopeful lilt to his voice. Like he was genuinely sad he couldn’t meet this person right that second.
Had the world turned upside down since I’d been recovering?
Tank released an audible sigh, then nodded. “Yeah, that sounds great. Can’t wait, baby.”
He hung up, then marched forward down the hall. I wasn’t sure how he had no clue I was standing there. Again, this was totally out of the norm for my very astute boss.
But… with Tank out of the picture, I could probably convince the team to talk to me. I didn’t have to go on the mission — in fact, I knew I couldn’t. Them sharing details wasn’t against my healing regimen though.
When I stepped through the door, all eyes came my way. Cohen, Godric, Ronan, Memphis, and Frost were there. To the side of the room, Damari was curled up, napping.
I grinned at them all, then walked forward to a loose notepad on the desk. I wrote,What’s the plan tonight? I want details.
Ronan glanced down at it first, his expression tortured. “How do you know about this? Shouldn’t you be resting? Where is Fabian?”
I rolled my eyes, then turned the pad back around.Fabian disappeared while I ate. Don’t know where he is. I heard you talking about it. I’ve rested enough.