“Do we know who Tank’s guy is taking out?” Godric asked.

“And does anyone know who this‘guy’is? Doesn’t seem fair he’s got a separate squad of killers on his roster.” Cohen pouted as he finished his outburst. Godric rubbed his back softly, which seemed to melt some of the ice around the other man.

Takeshi remained still throughout it all. His eyes volleyed around the room, bouncing from his teammates to the screen and back.

I loved watching him work like this. I knew he’d take in every detail, coming to his own conclusion while the others hashed out details aloud. His mind was beautiful in that way.

“Tank has lots of contacts, Cohen. We all know this. I have no clue who this person is, but he did tell me it would likely be Mordecai they took down since he was the one supplying the others with weapons. He's also the only one without a second-in-command. If he falls, we’re hoping there won’t be anyone left to pick up the mantle for a while.”

“How does he not have anyone to back him?” Orion’s puzzled expression mirrored my own.

I didn’t know much about the criminal underworld, but I suspected it was the same as the hierarchy of legal governments. That meant someone should be in place to take over should the leader not be able to.

From what Ronan said, they didn’t have this in place for the Mordecai guy.

Memphis spoke up next, drawing me away from my internal thoughts. “Mordecai is extremely paranoid, if the rumors about him are true. He kills for sport and only trusts a select few people. Most of them only last a couple of years before he offs them and starts over.”

“Why would anyone work for someone like that?” I asked curiously. I hadn’t meant to say it aloud, yet it had slipped out before I could stop myself.

Orion leaned back, a grin on his face as he answered, “Because they’re desperate.”

“And they want the money,” Ronan added. “A lot of these men have families who need what they can bring in. Even if it’s just a couple of years, it means getting out of poverty or moving to a better neighborhood.”

“Or sometimes they’re forced into it,” Godric interrupted.

“Forced?” I repeated.

He nodded. “Yeah. Forced. They get blackmailed or threatened into submission. Whatever it takes for guys like this to get what they want in the end.”

I frowned at that thought. I hated bullies, and the idea that there were some in the criminal underworld frustrated me.

Sure, I couldn’t change everything in the world. But I still wanted to see less people suffering if I could. It’s another one of the reasons I learned multiple languages. I needed to know howto help people who may not always be able to help themselves because of communication barriers.

After going over the targets, the conversation shifted to the plan to get to Ajax. According to Memphis, he was the next in line to be taken out since he was easier to hunt down than Lune. Though from the way he spoke, neither would be all that easy to find.

“They’re both drifters in a sense. We need to set a trap for Ajax. Give him something he can’t refuse, so he shows up eagerly,” Cohen suggested a bit later.

The men went around discussing what they thought he might want. Each had something to say. Well, all except Orion. He was unnaturally quiet.

Takeshi tapped my arm, then slid a piece of paper my way. On it, he’d written:

“Orion has an idea he doesn’t like but he thinks will work. Call him out on it.”

I looked at him with wide eyes. “I can’t do that.”

He dismissed my whispered hiss. His finger tapped at the paper again, his gaze firm.

Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to do what he needed. Part of my being with him also meant speaking up when he needed me to. Not because he couldn’t, but because I could get their attention while he continued to observe.

I wondered, not for the first time, what their relationships had all been like before this. Takeshi seemed to be naturally quiet all the time. If he was that way prior to his injury, how did he contribute to the team in moments like this? Did he have someone else speak up then too, or did he deliver brief, calculated words that would shift the narrative?

“Takeshi has something to say,” I blurted out.

All eyes turned my way. Ronan smiled softly. “What did he notice?”

“He said Orion has an idea he doesn’t like, but he thinks it will work for this Ajax guy.” My gaze moved to the man in question. His jaw was held tight, the muscle clenched in a way that had to hurt.

“Goddammit, Takeshi. You’re not supposed to call me out. Ignore him. I’m good.”