I set it in front of him, then leaned back on the couch beside him. We were just as close here as we were in the kitchen. It gave me the ability to read his emotions as he looked through it all.

The first page was a letter from me, detailing to him that this would contain graphic images he might not want to see. I also explained there would be recounts of the events from Sinclair and the team, since they were involved, along with the official medical and police reports.

Once he finished that, he looked my way. I saw the pained expression as a plea. He didn’t want to continue since he knew itmeant I’d been hurt. It made me equal parts happy to know he cared and terrified this would change things for us in a bad way.

Hopefully my husband wouldn’t be put off my past too much to stick around and be part of my future.



I couldn’t believewhat I’d just read. How… how in the world had this happened?

Looking at Takeshi, I searched his face for some kind of reaction to me reading this. His letter had been written with so much emotion, I could feel the pain and worry in each word.

They blurred on the page when I looked back down. I wouldn’t let the tears fall. Not yet.

I had to be strong.

Strong enough to get the answers I needed. The answers Takeshi had prepared for me.

Blinking them away, I focused on each and every detail I could. My husband had wanted me to know the truth about his injuries. He’s gathered every scrap of information he could to answer the seemingly endless questions he knew I’d have.

After the letter, there were accounts from everyone at the NightShade office. Even the big guy, Tank, had a perspective.

Words jumped out at me as I read. Things like “devastating” and “unsure if he’ll recover” made me feel like I was living in the moments after he’d been shot.

It was obvious how distraught the men were. They were more than coworkers. They were a family unit.

I already knew that much. I’d seen it myself when I was at the office with them.

Surrounded by survivors of one of the most inhumane things out there—human trafficking—they moved like a well-oiled machine. A single glance had said more than words ever could.

After I made my way through the team’s reports, I found the police report. It didn’t have all that much more information in it. There was so much police jargon, I felt a little out of my depth. Thankfully, someone had made notes in the margins for things that weren’t so obvious.

The final pages contained all the medical information regarding Takeshi’s hospital stay and recovery. There were notes from doctors, specialists, and Fabian, his personal nurse, which made me feel a little better knowing he’d had someone to attend to him directly. I vaguely remembered a conversation with Sinclair about him, but I wasn’t sure.

I had nothing against hospitals. They saved lives day in and day out.

But somehow, I’d already grown attached to my new husband. And the thought of him being left alone in a room to wait for someone to come help him when he didn’t have a voice to cry out made me irrationally angry.

I pulled out my phone to search some of the medical terminology. With each webpage that loaded, I felt more furious than before.

How could this Brad person be so callous? Why did they take so much away from a man who didn’t deserve it? All so they could have someone who didn’t even want them in return.

It was bullshit.

I slammed the binder closed after reading the last page, then tossed it on the table. Holding it made me livid. Thinking of the details I’d read made me want to go on a rampage.

In general, I wasn’t a very violent person. The most I’d ever done was yell at a friend once, then I’d immediately apologized.

Sure, I got angry at times. But I rarely reacted like this.

Takeshi’s hand came down on my arm. It was then I realized I was digging my nails into my own skin.

He used his thumb to wipe away the tiny droplets of blood, then he laced our fingers together. The move kept me from causing any more damage. It also managed to calm the rage I’d felt only moments before.

“I’m sorry,” I said hoarsely.