
I’ve never been allowed to meet anyone else in your life. What makes him different? How long have you two been dating?

I knew what he would do if I gave him any indication this wasn’t real. Doe wasn’t really looking for a reason to not do what I asked. It was more like he felt the need to protect me. Or rather, protect my finances.

He’d been with me since the early days. I’d found him fresh out of college, becoming one of his first clients to help him builda portfolio of work. Since then, he’s basically built a business that rivals Tank's, only Doe very much works behind the scenes, if you get my drift.

Not one of his clients would be called an upstanding citizen. Most were outright criminals.


It doesn’t matter. We’re married now and there will be no reversing it. Can you add him to the accounts, or should I find someone else?


*GIF of woman flipping hair*

As if you’d ever find anyone as good as me! I’ll get him set up. Send me his info.


I’ll upload it to the server in a bit. I’ll need new debit cards and credit cards for him too.


This isn’t my first rodeo. I know what ‘everything’ means.


Thanks. Let me know when you want to meet him. I’ll set it up.


Right now too soon? We could video chat?


Not right now. He’s unpacking. I don’t want to interrupt him getting settled.


Unpacking? That means this is new. Unless he was the "wait until marriage" type.

I closed the chat, then turned my phone face down on the countertop. There was no reason to keep up the conversation when he was like this. All his theories would do nothing to help with the rest of the tasks I had in mind.

Next up was to figure out dinner. We’d eaten at the reception, though it wasn’t nearly enough. Besides, Archie needed more meat on his bones.

Opening the fridge, I inspected what I had that might work for him. I realized pretty quickly I’d forgotten one crucial element to us moving in today.

There was no food.

Nothing at all.

I’d been staying at the NightShade offices for so long, I hadn’t thought to prepare for our arrival. Picking my phone back up, I swiped away Doe’s texts to open my shopping app. I loaded the cart with some staple items, then requested the fastest delivery possible.

After I finished that, I went to the restaurant delivery app and started adding things from several different places. I had no clue what he liked, so I went with a variety. I had nearly checked out when my brain reminded me there was a possibility he might be allergic to some of the options I chose.

I turned to go ask him, only to find him staring at me from the bottom of the stairs. Blinking, I waited for him to approach me.