Tilting my head forward, I acknowledged him as best I could without anything to write on. He had to have been warned about me, too, because his gaze remained firmly on my eyes as he moved back into place beside Archie.

The justice of the peace greeted me. “Welcome, Takeshi. Are you ready?”

Again, I dipped my head in confirmation. I covered the short distance to stand across from Archie, then faced him. His smile warmed me far more than it should have.

I forced myself to smile back, though it was much smaller than his. Lately, I hadn’t had many reasons to smile. The painof recovery and the feelings of failure I harbored deterred any happiness that tried to sink in.

Today though, I felt a glimmer of it breaking through my walls. I could only hope it would continue to bloom the longer I was near this sunshine man who would soon be my husband.

The ceremony went on as any other does. I listened as it was confirmed we were there to promise ourselves to each other. Everyone besides the justice likely knew we were getting married for reasons outside of love. It didn’t seem to matter to them though.

I watched as the men I went on missions with, the men I’d shed blood for, bawled their eyes out while the justice asked Archie to agree to his vows to love, honor, and cherish me through it all. I would have laughed had it not been such a serious moment.

Archie said, “I do” confidently, as his hands made a quick motion. I watched in rapt fascination.

Somewhere in my mind, I recognized he was signing. I had no clue what he meant, though I still felt a rush of excitement seeing him move so gracefully. It felt like he was telling the world in more than one way that he was sure about me. About us.

When the justice asked me to confirm as well, I nodded, then held my hands up to Archie. Without hesitating, he repeated the motion for me slower.

The tip of his finger went to his lip, then he opened his palm and smacked it on top of the closed fist of his other hand. I repeated the motion, then turned to the man who was, hopefully, about to announce us as officially married.

“Congratulations! You may now kiss the groom.”

Archie blushed at the words. I would have too, however there was no time. My body was already moving forward, my hands coming up to cup his face as I pressed the gentlest kiss to his lips.

The men around us clapped and screamed, the noise far louder than it should be for an office like ours.

When I pulled back, Archie had his eyes closed, a peaceful smile on his face. The tiny grin I had earlier bloomed big enough to make my cheeks hurt.

Before he could say anything, we were swept away to sign paperwork, and then we were being shoved slices of cake that somehow magically appeared. Soft music was turned on, and the men danced around, nibbling on food and talking loudly over one another.

It was utter chaos.

It was family.

It was… perfect.



The party went on far longerthan I expected it to. While the justice left with the paperwork of our union in tow, the rest of the group stuck around to swap stories and gorge themselves on cake.

I ate a bit here and there, though I barely tasted a thing. My mind was still reeling from the kiss earlier.

Somehow, in all the excitement over solving my citizenship issues with this wedding, I’d forgotten that I would need to kiss Takeshi in order to seal our vows. It honestly slipped my mind entirely.

And then he had to lay the kiss to beat all kisses on me.

As far as wedding kisses go, it had to be a twelve out of ten. He was gentle, yet not so gentle I couldn’t feel the heat in his touch.

I wanted to keep kissing him, not pulling back until I felt my lungs were set to burst.

But he wasn’t mine.

Not really.

We’d agreed to not see other people during all this. That didn’t mean he’d default into wanting me.